4. New Dehli

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"Welcome to India! You are in the heart of India, New Dehli." Our chirpy guide called Rahul said, his english was very good even in his rich indian accent.

"Today we will do a few things! I will take you to the politicians road where you can see the houses and administrations offices. Then I will take you to a few famous markets like Khan Market, GFK and Laaj Panar Ghar. We will end our night in the famous Kingdom of Dreams." Rahul says.

(A/N in hindi there are two ways to write it the english way and the symbol way obviously I will do it the english way but they may not translate exactly because I am translating myself!)

With that, we took a taxi to the streets where Indian government resides. We saw the administration offices and politician houses, this excited both Kian and Chloe, both of them interested in economics and politics.

"Their economy is full on booming right now." Kian says to Chloe, she agrees and says, "However their politicians are too corrupt."

Kareena walks silently with me, I understood now she was a girl who went with the flow, kind of like me.

It was bloody hot, August was probably the worst time, it was sweltering, I could feel the sweat on my skin.

The girl were in maxi dresses and jeans, Naina convinced Abby that wearing shorts on the streets would get the wrong kind of attention.

She was right everyone stared at us, some in a creepy way, some sort of in a mesmerised way.

We stuck out, even Kareena.

Next we went to the markets and the girls got very excited about this. Rahul left us to our own whereabouts.

"Okay guys you need to listen." We all turn to Kareena.

"You have to bargain for everything here-"

"I am a great bargainer!" Sam says.

Kareena looks at him, "They know you're english so they'll charge you higher. I think the best way to do this is if you tell me what you want and I'll bargain with them in hindi." Kareena explains.

"They would seriously charge higher?" Kian says in disbelief.

"If you don't believe me try yourself." Kareena says, so Kian goes to a man selling scarves, he says its a hundred rupees a piece.

Then Kareena goes, she tells us he asked for seventy.


So we mill around the shops, Kareena barters for us, getting Chloe some shiny red bangles, Abby some new sandals, Kian a pair of shades and Sam some t shirts.

I didn't buy anything, I was waiting for historical sites.

Kareena bought some bangles as well.

"We still have two hours." says Sam.

"My aunt lives around the corner, we can go and freshen up there, plus I said I would meet her." Kareena says.

"Would she be okay with us?" Kian asks.

Kareena laughs," My family is very liberal, they won't mind, they'll probably stuff you with food instead!" Kareena chortles.

We look at each other worriedly.


So what do ya think homiesss

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