Hang out

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Ok, my third chapter! Yaya! So... you have a boy best friend, even though you don't in this story you do.
(F/N) = Friend's Name! Or just imagine he's your brother!

It was 8:00 AM the morning after meeting the GAC in person! Especially the Zak Bagans! You didn't bother washing off his "art of a number" off your wrist. So you made multiple copies of it and was now staring at your cell phone.

Was he going to respond? Would he remember you? Was he going to respond?
Finally gathering up enough courage, you managed to pick up your phone, dial the number and wait for him to pick up.

"H- hi, Zak." You stutter, nervously. "I- I was wondering if you... w- would like t- to... h- hang out?" You finish lamely, heart beating.

(F/N) was sitting in front of you at your table, pretending to be Zak on his phone. "Eh... no."

You stared at him. "Way to encourage someone, (F/N)."

(F/N) chuckled a bit. "Well, you're literally talking as if you're freezing. And you don't want the famous Zak Bagans to think you're freezing, right?"

"Well, it's hard to." You say, looking down at your phone. (F/N) sighed, grabbed your phone and typed in Zak's number.

"Here. Press dial." He said as he pushed your phone back towards you. "Very easy. Press dial, wait for him to pick up and ask-"

"You make it sound easy." You shout, cutting him off. For some reason, he laughed.

"It is." He laughed. You took a deep breath and started to pick up your phone.

Ring!  (Just imagine your cell ring tone!) Ring!

You stared at the number and realized it was Zak's number! Your eyes widened. How did he get your number!??

"It's Zak!" You inform (F/N), excitedly. Quickly, you answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this (Y/N) from yesterday?" You heard Zak's voice from the cell as you put him on speaker for you and (F/N) to hear.

"Yes." You say, trying not to... well, trying not to do the opposite of calm. "How did you get my number?"

"Uh..." He muttured. "Your father. Yesterday after I dropped you off. Anyways, I decided to call you first in case you got too shy."

You blushed. "No, I was... just woke up?" You say in more of a question.

Zak laughed an adorable laugh. "Since the lockdown aint until tomorrow night, I was wondering if you would like to hang out, today."

You froze. He beat you to asking him if he wanted to hang out! You weren't complaining but more like trying not to dance in circles.

"Are you asking me to a date?" You smile. (F/N) stifled a laugh and you gave him a look.

"S- sure." Zak said, stuttering. "Actually, I am. So how about we-"

In the background you heard Aaron yelling, "Dude, Nick! Zak finally gathered up the balls to ask (Y/N) to hang out!" Then you heard Nick and Aaron laughing.

You laughed as you heard Zak groan. "Sorry about that." He said, sounding embaressed.

"No, it's alright." You giggle. "So... what will we do today?"

"I'll figure it out." Zak said. "I'm going to your place in... half an hour."

Then he hung up. You jumped up. "Zak Bagans is coming to my house!" You turned to (F/N). "Clean up whatever mess while I get ready!"

Without waiting for a response from (F/N), you dashed into your room to get ready.

Whew! Got this done! Hooray for me! Clap on the back! Naw...
But yea...

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