The Kiss! (fr)

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Maybe some of you know this, but I FINALLY noticed that Nick wasn't really in some of the episodes and I looked into it more and found out he quit. Anyways, I'm still going to have him in here though...

You woke up in a bed. White light invading your vision. You blinked a couple times before the white light wasn't as bright anymore.
You looked around to see yourself in a hospital bed.

"You're finally awake." Said a nurse, her name tag saying, 'Mindy'.

"How long was I out?" You ask, memories coming back to you. You looked around to see if Zak was there or not. No he wasn't.

"2 days actually. It is 7:30 in the morning." She answered. "Due to your excellent condition, for sure you can get out today."

"Where is Zak?" You ask her just before she left.

"Lucky girl." She said, looking back at you. "He is down in the cafeteria getting food. The famous Zak Bagans clearly takes an intrest in you. He really was reluctant to leave your side when we had to run a few tests on you."

With that, she left. A second later came in your family.

~timeskip cuz im a lazy a$$~

Zak came in and everyone watched him walk to your side as he set his food on a table. "I see you doing better." He smiled as he sat down in a chair next to you.

Your family left you two alone, not wanting to ruin you and Zak's moment.

"Yeah." You breathe, laying back.

Zak locked eyes with you and he leaned in and hugged you.
The heart moniter connect to you began beeping fast. You blushed as Zak pulled back and smirked at you.

"Let's see..." He chuckled and leaned towards your face as the heart moniter started beeping fast again.

"I didn't know I had this much affect on you." He grinned after leaning back. You turn your head embaressed. "(Y/N)."

Just as you turned your head towards him, his lips were on yours. The heart moniter skipped a beat before beating fast as Zak chuckled into the kiss. They were warm and slightly moist.

"Are you OK? I heard the heart moniter-"

The nurse cut herself off as she saw you and Zak kissing. Quietly, she exited smiling. You and Zak didn't bother to break the kiss.

"Well, now!" Said Aaron.

You both pull apart to see Aaron and Nick grinning at you two.

"Finally, they have made a move!" Nick said and made Aaron face the camera towards himself. "Ladies and gentlemen that is watching this!, the Zachory Bagans finally has a babe."

"C'mon guys." Zak complained but smiled. "(Y/N) isn't my babe. She is my baby."

You blushed but giggled. With some convincing, Zak managed to get the grinning Aaron and Nick out of the room.

"Too bad I have this stupid scar." You say to Zak and moved your gown a bit, expecting to see a scar on your hip. You looked back up at Zak.

"What is it?" He asked, concerned.

"The scar is gone." You smile. He smiled back and layed next to you on the bed.
He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you on the lips. His hand running through your hair as your hand roamed his muscled chest.

So sorry if it sucks!

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