Meeting the GAC in person

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I know long chapter title but I didn't know what else to put.
Ok, so you are 30 and so is Zak in the story even though he is reallt 38. I don't own the pic, nor Zak (I wish I could, jk), but you own yourself. And... your dad owns an abadoned 4 story building.
And GAC means Ghost Adventures Crew

(F/B) = Favorite Book
(Y/N) = Your Name
(D/N) = Dad's Name
And I think you know the rest... so yea...


You sighed in relief after cleaning up the last room in the abadoned building that he owns for a reason you don't know. You have no idea why your dad would ask you to clean it, but you did it anyways, for him and the small payment. It was 2:00 in the afternoon and you walked out, leaving the creepy, haunted building that you were scared of but still kept going in there.
You sat down on a chair and began reading (F/B) in front of the building as you put on your earphones and began listening to your music from your phone. The building was 5 miles away from the town, (or city) that you live in. Since you were alone outside with your dad inside, you began quietly singing along to your music.

Just a few minutes later, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You didn't bother looking around, you were quite used to the brushing or touch by the spirits in the building. (OK, so even though you might freak out when that happens, you get used to it, and if you don't then... I'll shut up now so... yea...)

Then a nudge. You sighed from your nose and put the book in your face. You continued singing a bit louder now as you turned up your music from your earphones.

"Excuse me!"

You heard above your music from your earphones. You lowered your book and looked up to see 3 men with cameras. They looked familiar to you for some reason. But your face slightly blushed, they heard your singing and that nudge wasn't from a ghost.

"Can I help you?" You say, trying to hide your blush.

"Nice singing." Said the muscled one with black sort of spiky hair and beautiful eyes. "Anyways, do you own this building?"

You put your book aside, put your earphones away and stood up. "No. My dad does actually. He pays me to clean it up even though I have a job already. But why do you ask?"

"We're the Ghost Advenrures crew." Said the... bald one. You slightly froze. Aaron, Nick and... Zak. No wonder why they seemed familiar.

"And we were wondering if any paronormal activity has happened here." Nick said. "We heard from several people that this building is haunted."

You were loss at words. The Ghost Adventures Crew. Your tried not to fangirl. Zak Bagans is your favorite guy. Now he is here in front of you. "Y- yes." You stutter.

Zak smiled. "Great, can we come in?"

You almost swooned at his smile. Your favorite smile. "Sure,my dad is just inside." You walked up to the entrance of the door.

"So you must already know our names." Zak started, staring at you. "May I know yours?"

"I'm Z- Zak." You say, slightly in a daze. Aaron and Nick laughed as you blushed. "N- no, I mean (Y/N)."

Turning, you walked in the building. "Dad!" You called.

A moment later, your dad appeared. He looked surprised at the G.A.C but smiled. "I'm (D/N)." He shook hands with Zak.

"We heard that a man took and murdered many people at this very building." Zak said, crossing his arms.

Your dad sighed. "Yes, that's true. My very daughter was attacked." He motioned to you and you flinched from the memory. The scar on your hip started to throb from the memory.


OK, I know that this is a but bad to me. And in this story you have a scar even if you don't on your hip. So anyways, this is my first Zak Bagans x Reader story

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