Chapter 1: The Aftermath

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{A/n: Park Jiyeon as Kim Su Bin
(・∇・╰) }


"Holy shit, how much did you drink last night?"

"Erm, one."

"Don't you dare lie to me."

"Four... Maybe five cans."

"Did you drink the whole six pack?"

"... It's possible."

"God damn it, Kang Ji Eun. What am I going to do with you?"

"Love me forever and ever~"

A headache as if her poor brain was splitting in two and the constant urge to vomit, Ji Eun's morning has been, without question, miserable. The previous night, Valentine's Day to be exact, was all a blur to the 22 year old. She could only remember bits and pieces of the past night but she knew after her last can, she blacked out.

Her best friend, Kim Su Bin, had heard the news of the hungover girl only a couple hours before. Ji Eun's father had called her and requested that she take care of his disappointment of a daughter while he goes off to take care of his chicken restaurant. Su Bin, who was lucky to have a day off from Rosie's Boutique, rushed over to the Kang residence as fast as she could.

Ji Eun thanked the heavens for a wonderful friend such as her.

The two girls were currently in the living room with the television on in front of them. On the coffee table was a plate of untouched food, a glass of milk, and the small trash bin with a quarter of Ji Eun's oh-so-fragrant barf. Ji Eun made sure not to move on the couch. She felt like that one sudden movement leave her in eternal agony.

Why does she drink so much when she knew how much she'd suffer the next day?

Kang Ji Eun must be inhuman.

"It's a good thing you let me move you out here. Your room reeks of alcohol and vomit," Su Bin grumbled as she switched from channel to channel, not satisfied with anything so far. "If only you didn't just throw up wherever you want, my precious SHINee sweatshirt would've been ok."

"It'll be fine! You're washing it now with my bedsheets, aren't you?" Ji Eun snapped back. She sat up slowly on the couch and put her hand out to her best friend. "Gimme the remote."

Su Bin held the remote farther from the short haired girl. "Nah uh, since I'm stuck here babysitting you, I get to pick what we watch." She stuck out her tongue at the weak girl and continued surfing the channels. Ji Eun clicked her tongue in annoyance but didn't make any other objections, slumping down her seat. "By the way, Ji Eun-ah, why were you out getting drunk anyway? Didn't you say you were going to watch a movie with that one guy?"

"He canceled on the last minute. Don't you know how pathetic it is to go to the movies alone by yourself on Valentine's Day? Yeah, no thanks," Ji Eun mumbled as she reached over to the table to grab herself a cinnamon swirl toast. She began eating in small bites in hopes to finally get some nourishment in her system... well, as much as sweet bread can give.

"So you just went out to drink?" The taller girl shot back, her eyebrows knitted together. Ji Eun shrunk back to her friend's harsh tone. She definitely didn't want to be at the receiving end of her anger. Kim Su Bin can be one terrifying bitch if you piss her off enough. "You usually have better control than that! Don't tell me it's about Jong Hoon; it's been two weeks!"

Ji Eun flinched back, nibbling more on her toast to restrict herself from talking. She didn't dare try to answer her. Besides, Su Bin knew fully well that her assumption was right... Well, partially right.

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