Chapter 8: Thank God for Byun Baekhyun

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{A/n: Yong Junhyung as Jong Hoon and Heize as Mona}


Ji Eun was fighting so much to hold back her tears.

Just the utter guilt that was written on her ex-boyfriend's face said it all. She knew him too well to know the whole story behind their break up. She no longer interested him, but being the wreck she was, Jong Hoon couldn't bear to break up with her, thinking that it'll possibly edge her into depression. But then, he met the pretty blonde, Mona, and fell in love. They probably were together when she and he were still together. And eventually, he had to break up with her so he could freely be with Mona... and had to be a coward to do it by phone to avoid in seeing Ji Eun heartbroken.

He cheated on you, a voice rang in her ears.

She bit down on her lip to refrain from letting out a sob. Ji Eun tried to recollect herself, to stop the possible breakdown before it came, and in a shaky voice, she said to them, "So, I see you've been doing well this past month or so." She bared a strained smile at the couple and she was positive Jong Hoon could see the discomfort on her face.

They used to be such close friends... And lovers. Of course he would know her antics.

"Eunnie, let me explain--"

"Don't call me that," Ji Eun deadpanned.

Eunnie, the nickname only Su Bin and Jong Hoon would call her. But after all this time, hearing the male say that name to her made her recoil in disgust. She didn't like it.

She didn't like any of this.

A forced chuckle left her painted lips, once she noticed how harsh her words had sounded. "So, Su Bin-ah invited you right?" Ji Eun asked, changing the subject too soon. Well, she knew she did, or how else would Jong Hoon be here. It's good to see that they're still in touch.

Was that sarcasm? Ji Eun wasn't sure.

"Um, yeah, she did," Jong Hoon muttered. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, looking shifty and saddened at the same time. A nervous habit of it, she noted in her mind as she watched his body sway. "Come on, Ji Eun, can't you let me explain?"

"What is there to explain?" Ji Eun sneered at the male. "I could tell what happened already just by your face."

"Look, Ji Eun-ah, you still look hurt about it all, but move on."

The short-haired girl rounded at the blonde-haired girl, flabbergasted. Did blondie really have the audacity to interrupt them? Sure, Ji Eun knew that this must be an awkward situation for Mona, but SHE was the one that got cheated on! "God, you're right, Jong Hoon. She really is pathetic."

A misty eyed glare averted back onto the male.


He called her pathetic just because all these horrible things had happened to her without her willpower?

"I-I didn't say that," he stammered out with bulging eyes. He glanced at his girlfriend, a look of horror written all over his face. "Mona, I didn't say that!"

"Of course, you did. You also mentioned that she was clingy as fuck."


Ji Eun was far from clingy! If anything, she was the distant one in their... She stiffened at her own thoughts.

She hadn't given Jong Hoon the time of day in the remaining time they have been together. The two haven't had a proper date in months and when was the last time they have called each other late at night just to catch up what happened earlier that day? Whenever Jong Hoon would try to plan something, Ji Eun would always excuse herself to stay at home. Why hasn't she noticed the effort Jong Hoon had tried to put in their relationship before it crashed and burned?

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