| BONUS | I Smile

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A/n: I could never EVER get over the fact that this story gained so much love. So, I thought that I should write another bonus chapter, one that probably majority of you were never expecting: a Subin chapter in her perspective.

But, I believe it's needed after seeing some comments (even though Subin really can be petty and hateful at times). So I hope you all enjoy this chapter! 

Kang Jieun is the bestest friend anyone could have asked for.

Through thick and thin, that little girl had been there for me when I needed her, and even our first meeting had been something touching and memorable.

I met Jieun when we were ten years old, or rather, that was when we officially became acquainted, the start of our lasting friendship. Jieun was new to the neighborhood three years prior. Supposedly, Mister Kang wanted to move to Seoul to kickstart his (now successful) chicken restaurant. So, I've always kind of known her around school through those three years, but as we had different classrooms, there wasn't a point of being friends when she first moved in.

But then we reached ten years old. We were young, we were immature. Ten was the age everyone wanted to grow out of the phase of being a kid, while still being a kid themselves. And the other children in our school were no exception.

I had always been kind of prissy. I was the ultimate girly girl in the block. I loved wearing dresses and skirts that were usually decorated in sparkles, and I always adorned my usually wavy hair with cute clips and headbands. I liked playing dress up and with dolls. I basically oozed the very definition of femininity.

I had a lot for a ten year old kid, my parents enjoyed spoiling their only daughter. And from that, I had quite the superiority complex, even as much as I hate to admit it. I don't know what my young mind had been thinking, but I remember flaunting everything I had and showing off to my teachers. It wasn't like we were the richest family either, but the way I had acted made it seem like we were, and I remember loving the fact.

However, that lead me to being the number one target for the school's notorious bullies.

It was after school one day, I was walking home. It was a usual occurrence for me as my parents both worked with dedication during this time. It was all fine, I've walked home plenty of times before and I knew my way around the city. I've been told I was mature for my age, I didn't need any help.

But, I was followed.

There were three boys from my grade that followed me along the deserted path away from school.

They had finally approached when we were all far enough from any adults and started teasing and insulting me. They had cornered me to a brick wall of a closed store, continuing their attack. They then tugged at the pigtails I had done myself that day. One of them even ripped off the cute bumblebee clip I had on towards the ground. They shoved and tugged.

As like any young kid, I became a mess. My vision was blurred with tears and my nose was stuffed; I had no idea why they were doing that to me when I was better than them.

Looking back, I knew though. I definitely was a pretentious prick for someone so young.

It wasn't until I was rudely pushed towards the gravel ground when someone intercepted.

And by someone, it was my future best friend.

Kang Jieun. She stood there in the midst of sunlight beating against her back, it made her look like the heroic protagonist from movies. I remembered exactly how she looked at that time. She wore a navy blue striped shirt along with her worn-out jean capris. The backpack she had was Winnie the Pooh themed, and her haircut could only be described as a mushroom shape, hair trimmed short and rounded with her bangs cut blunt.

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