| BONUS | Take You Home

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"Byun Baekhyun, I need a fucking explanation!" Kang Jieun proclaimed through her phone.

Currently at a CHEER photoshoot for the still-haven't-arrived VIXX, she had the wonderful discovery of her boyfriend's solo song. Jieun had known that the vocal had something in store for SM Station, and she was incredibly excited for it since he had told her about it a month or so ago. However, when he said he wants to keep the song and music video a secret until its release, she wasn't quite expecting this. And really, if it wasn't for her best friend, Subin, to hint at her with the teaser video, she probably wouldn't have suspected anything until much later.

"Jieun jagi," his sweet voice chimed through her phone speakers. She bit down on her lip, mentally cursing herself for her heart fluttering at his warm greeting. Could she help it though? That boy always had that kind of effect on her, even after how long they've been together. "Is there something wrong?"

She shouldn't have swooned at that moment. She could hear the teasing tone in his damn voice. He must've known she was going to call him for this.

"So, I may have watched the teaser for your SM Station," Jieun slowly replied, her eyes trained at the coffeemaker on the counter. From outside the room, faint yelling from her superiors for her to return back to set. But she knew she had to get this topic off her chest before she could return back to work. "It had a very interesting description to go along with it. Sound familiar?"

Baekhyun's laughter resonated through the phone, earning an irritated expression from Jieun herself even when he can't see it. "What do you mean?"

"A man wanting to stay close and protect a heartbroken woman? Really, Baek?" The young photographer uttered, her petite fingers wavering through her shoulder-length locks out of anxiousness. "Doesn't that strike you as something from, I don't know, us?"

"Jieun-ah, only a select amount of people would know that my song was based on us. We've been very careful with our relationship. No one outside the group who already knows would think it's you. The composer I worked with doesn't even know the real meaning behind this."

The girl guessed hearing Baekhyun explain the situation to her made her feel a bit better. She was still cautious about it, sure, but not as much as before. "But you know, it would've been nice to hear something along the lines of Oh oppa! This is such a great surprise, I'm so happy you made this song for me! I love you~"

A scoff left her lips. "I do not sound like that, sir."

"It was worth a shot, right?"

She could hear him laugh again, along with a yawn following after. Jieun frowned, since she knew he must be extremely tired from his schedule. It was only a couple days ago when him and EXO flew over to China for that one award show, and that definitely drained a lot of energy out of everyone. Jieun had tried to cheer them up by surprising them with chicken from her restaurant, but that joy could only last so long.

"It's really nice hearing your voice," he murmured, the serious tone sending chills down her spine. "I miss you, my gamja girl."

"I miss you too, bacon bits."

"Whenever you miss me, you should listen to my SM Station once it comes out. I've made sure to put in all my love for you in it."

"Aw, Baek. Your personal break had been way too short," Jieun pouted, thinking back on the sliver of time the company actually let the EXO do what they wanted for a while. That time was such a blessing, being able to see him everyday and go on little dates here and there. It was a shame it ended so soon. "I mean seriously, CBX debut in Japan? You do so much already."

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