Chapter 2: Fifth Chicken Delivery

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It was peculiar.

Very peculiar.

Ji Eun shouldn't be complaining, since their quaint chicken shop was getting more profit from it. But, honestly, who would order chicken from them five days in a row? Who was that much of a chicken fanatic? It eased her mind that they haven't ordered fried chicken every day, having a bit of variety, but still, it's excessive.

Of course, there's also the possibility that it wasn't from the same person every time, just different groups of people from SM Entertainment are ordering their chicken. It just doesn't happen so often. But what does she know.

But, that wasn't the weirdest thing that occurred at Kang's Kickin Chicken.

. . .

"Yes, yes, I understand. We'll get the chicken to you in about 40 minutes. Yes, thank you, goodbye." Mister Kang placed the phone back to the receiver with a click, not sure how to make of it.

Despite the confusion from the call, he hurried into his kitchen to get the food for the order. Once putting the freshly cooked teriyaki chicken, rice, and side dishes into plastic bags, he set it down by Sun Woo, who was in charge of the cash register at the moment. "Do you need me to deliver this order?" The college boy asked, taking a peek into the bags.

"No, that's fine." Mister Kang shook his head. "I'll be right back. Just look after this while for a bit." He hurried into the back room and trotted up the stairs into his home.

Upstairs, he saw his daughter in front of the television, watching a recorded music show with a bowl of steaming ramen on the coffee table in front of her. Ji Eun turned her head at her father with the lovely appearance of strands of noodles dangling from her mouth. She slurped it up, chewed, and gulped down before greeting him in question, "Oh, Appa, what is it?"

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he asked her, "You know how I've been getting a lot of orders from that entertainment company lately?"

"Oh, SM Entertainment again? Today's the fifth time they called this week," Ji Eun gaped, her eyes trailing back onto the television screen. As if right on cue, one of the company's girl groups, Red Velvet, began to perform on stage with Dumb Dumb. Seeing them perform reminded Ji Eun of her obsessed best friend. "Are you sure I can't tell Su Bin?"

She gasped to herself as an idea popped into her head. Ji Eun turned her attention back to her father with a new sense of enthusiasm. "Do you think if I requested it, Su Bin and I can get a tour of SM Entertainment? You know her birthday is just three weeks away and it'd be the best present for her!"

Her father clicked his tongue at her, giving her a scornful expression for suggestion such a ridiculous idea. "They're not going to give just anyone a tour, sweetheart," he told her, ruffling her short hair. His eyes slanted into a stern glare and leaned over his child for added scary effect. "And don't you try to tell Su Bin about this. I may see her as my own child, but she has quite the blabber mouth." Ji Eun opened her mouth to defend her best friend but she blanked. "That's right, you know this better than anyone."

The short haired girl slumped on the couch in defeat. She couldn't help it if Su Bin doesn't know when to shut up. She knows she can keep a secret... But she has her limits when to keep a secret a secret.

"Oh, so why did you have to tell me about the order, appa?" Ji Eun questioned as she went to get another bite of her noodles. "Shouldn't you be out right now to deliver it?"

"Ah, that's the thing. They requested for you to deliver."

"Me?!" Ji Eun sputtered out, small bits of noodles flinging out her lips. She went into a coughing fit, the noodles choking her in the process. Her father quickly ran over, smacking her back to help her... But ended up hitting her a little too hard. "Appa, appa! Stop that, I'm fine now. Ow!" She reached over and gulped down some of her Coke to sooth her poor throat. Once taking a moment to calm herself down, she asked her father again for confirmation, "They want me to deliver? No fucking way."

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