Chapter 9: Groceries

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A couple weeks has passed since Su Bin's birthday party.

Baekhyun had taken Ji Eun straight home after their time out in the cold. As much as the short haired girl had complained that she needs to go back to the party and help Su Bin while she can, he had told her not to. The risks of seeing the ex were high and Baekhyun was not going to take that sliver of chance.

So, when the company car had come to pick Baekhyun up right at the time his manager told him it would, he asked the driver if he could bring Ji Eun home as well. With permission, Baekhyun had quickly gotten her into the amazingly heated vehicle and requested they drive back to the club house so he could get his things as well as Ji Eun's. The girl could only watch as the idol hurried back into the building, take about only ten minutes, and came back out with all of their belongings. Surely, he must've bumped into Su Bin while he was in there and talked to her about how they were leaving. And judging by the blank face, Ji Eun guessed they talked about something else.

But, she kept her lips shut and the ride to her home was a silent one.

Kang Ji Eun stayed indoors most of her days, either lazing about in the apartment or working in the restaurant, unless emergency calls for it. She didn't mean to suddenly reserve herself from the world, but could she help it? She recently found out that her ex-boyfriend had cheated on her with someone older than her for possibly months before their break up. Honestly, Ji Eun should move on, she should move on and forget about what Jong Hoon had done to her. She should be fueled with utmost anger and kick him to the curb.

But no.

Jong Hoon had acted in such a way that Ji Eun couldn't grasp. He still tried to be friendly, he had tried to smooth over the situation. He still obviously cared for her and that makes it harder for her to fully hate him. And lately, the boy had been trying to contact her through messages on her social media, whether it was to ask if she were okay or how she's been. Ji Eun wasn't sure how else to act except to ignore the messages.

The boy was trying so hard to patch things up.

If only she didn't have to be in this position.

Ji Eun found herself to be relying more in Baekhyun's messages in the the past few weeks. After he had come out into the cold when he didn't have to, and consoled her, Ji Eun felt like she opened a whole other self to the idol. At this point, Baekhyun had seen all her ugly sides; the emotional side, the pathetic side, the alcoholic side... and still, he stayed with her. He approached and confronted her when he had no business to.

She wished she could tell him how much he had changed her, how happy he had made her in the short time they've known each other.

But that sounds a bit embarrassing to say and, hell, no way Baekhyun needs that much praise.

Right now, Ji Eun was mixed with so much feelings, but she knows she's going to be okay. In due time, things wash over and she could finally move on now that she knew the reason to her and Jong Hoon's break up. Honestly, she might be able to now with a certain vocal of her favorite group always clouding her mind.

"Sweetheart, do you mind going out to the store and getting some tomatoes and onions? We might run out before the day ends," her father told Ji Eun while chopping away at the remaining vegetables he had for the dish he's making. With a nod, she removed her apron and made her way to the exit with the amount of money her father thought would be enough for the groceries.

She walked all the way to the farmer's market, with it only being a decent twenty minute walk away from the restaurant. Entering, she immediately went to the produce area and plucked off enough vegetables and such that her father would need. She hummed to herself as she grabbed bunches of onions and tomatoes from the carts to add into her basket.

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