BWM: Hey there!

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  • Dedicated to my fellow humans.

Liv's Letter

Good day to all of you! To the people around the world! Olivia Dawson here, as you may or may not know. If you can realize, this is actually an 'author's note' as they often call it. But instead, I changed it to 'Liv's Letter' because I'm really not an author. I haven't written anything yet. This is just a place for feedbacks and book reviews for stories that I really adore. Maybe this idea came out of my boredom. I really want to share my opinions and my side when it comes to books.

Y' know. Just expressing myself.

Anyway, this thing doesn't have any schedule. So I may update every week, once a month, twenty-two times a year, I really don't know.

Add this to your library if you're interested to see books that you haven't even read yet. I have lots of things to offer. If you offer me, too. *wink*

This may also contain some facts about me. Just my randomness.

There's a poster on the side, just to let you know.

Okay, my olives. OMG I just called you olives. *giggles* Farewell for now! I'll hear from you soon =] Enjoy yourself!

- Liv

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