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by @Jane_Inkspill aka Jane

Her adoration for words and crave for adventures, made this dreamer to be the artist that she is. From the writer of 'Hide And Seek', 'Letters' has been a great hit in Wattpad even now. This story made me feel that there are still many chances to be spending your whole life with the person you want to be with. Actually, it's not the person you can live your life with, it's the person you can't live your life without. Ehem, logic.

Yes, there's still logic in love, people.

The short story didn't have much of a dialogue, which by means, has a good mixture of simplicity and drama. The solitude felt by the girl, not knowing that the boy didn't know who exactly her sender is, made me feel so dumb that why in the world wouldn't I speak up to tell him that he's pointing out the wrong person in the first place. There may be signs of regret and it pains me so much that the girl didn't have the guts to say it to him. But the letters are so creative. Not to mention, I have a secret admirer who drops a letter into my locker every week. Isn't that a coincidence?

But this thing about letters are truly emotional and can put a person deep in thoughts. Letters have been a great impact in someone's life even in the first centuries. Because here contains the feelings of a person towards the receiver. From heart, down to the hands, then to the paper. This work of Jane shows exactly what I mentioned.

Reading this short story was like reading a memory from a woman's head who happens to get back to her past and remember the days when she was once a stranger to her husband. Not entirely a stranger. That was mentioned in the ending. And it was pretty heart-warming how his husband now sends her letters.

Husband: Oh I wish I was there with you right now. My heart hurts as I sit here, alone in our house, no longer hearing the pitter patter of little feet or the sweet hum of your voice.

I don't even know what to describe to this story anymore. It seems like I was left speechless the moment I finished reading it. I was in the verge of tears when I was scrolling over the page where her husband wrote her a letter. And of course, it didn't quite work out when you stop yourself from crying just by biting off your fingers. So my pillow was wet in tears.

And then there goes my inner thoughts. "I wish Mr. Right writes me letters. Telling me how much he loves me. From the moon and back."

Jane wrote this for the sake of invisible girls who seemd to look for hope in love. And there will always be hope. You should all know that. We will not die alone. We'll be with our loved ones until the end. And that Prince Charming of ours, ladies, is on his way. It may just take a few moments for him to get to his final destination, our hearts. And of course, we also a need a little doze of patience for the long wait.

Jane did have a great mind on coming up with the idea of this work. She's an astonishing artitst. In March of 2013, 'Letters' made it to the Short Story category and grabbed the #1 ranking, scoring high with more than 230,000 reads, 7,700 votes, and 2,500 comments. And with the book written in a few different languages, Jane attracted readers even more over her piece.

The words are so deep and overwhelming that it sinked into my brain. I wasn't that of a cryer, but I acted like a baby with this one.

Jane never failed to do her best in writing, especially in captivating each and every reader's heart. She is one special kind of girl. She's a small rock between two boulders. She's a keen cat born to be knowledgeable. She's an angel sent from heaven to share us stories that are worth reading. She gives us big bangs in her stories where life can be a great slap in your face. She's an amazing writer.

She's Jane Inkspill.

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