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Hiiiii! Welcome to So We Ran! This is my second book here on Wattpad, and it's really different from my first, but I'm really excited to write this.

I'm sure y'all have heard this lots of times, but I have to set some ground rules before we start.

1. This is my story. It was conceived, born, and raised in my mind. Please don't take that from me. Plus, it's lame and unoriginal to steal ideas.
2. Any characters or events that resemble another book are coincidental. Please let me know if something like this happens and I will be sure to fix that.


(forward is the same as the description, but it's important so I suggest you read one of the two☺️)

Grey Hayden didn't fit into any specific category. She was girly, geeky, sporty, rebellious, studious, and... Average. She was just Grey. The things that made her special were things that'd go unnoticed by the naked eye. You'd have to really see her in order to see who she was. Luckily, she had four people who'd done just that.

Grey's four friends have been with her throughout her entire life. She always thought of them like siblings. Except for one. Jackson was always a friend, a good one, but there were subconscious feelings that just didn't allow for him to be referred to as a brother. They were never acted upon, for the simple reason that he was out of her league. He was a beautiful bad boy, while she was a simple, mildly pretty, ordinary girl. But, he didn't see her that way. He saw so much more.

When the feelings finally make their way out into the open, Grey's opportunity to run, like she always wanted, was too tempting to pass up. So, they ran. Or, drove, really. They packed a few things and drove. They drove across the country, as far away as possible. They drove and drove and drove until they finally stumbled upon a place they felt they belonged. New York.

When they arrive, adventures of love, danger, dares, thrill, fear, and curiosity follow as they try to build a life for themselves. As they try to establish a place to call home.

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