•Chapter 2: The Dress•

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Hey Guys! So, before you get started, Grey will be wearing a dress in this chapter, and there's a picture of the dress up top👆🏻 Enjoy!

Yesterday was a Thursday. The dance is tomorrow and I spent my last pay check on food. What does that mean? It means no fancy dress for me.

Fawn wants to go dress shopping after school, to which I agreed, and invited the guys. And I'm dreading the moment when she's going to force me to wear a dress to model with her, I'll fall in love with the dress, then I'll be ultimately disappointed when I can't get it.


I stand at my locker, waiting for Fawn and the others to meet me. "Hey, Babe," Aiden greets me.

"Hey," I say back. Yesterday, before I went to bed, I thought a lot about why I acted so weird. I'm comfortable around Aiden, why was it such a big deal? I mean, I think I'm comfortable around him.

"Are you okay? You're fidgeting."

"I am? Oh, guess so," My words stick together as I talk faster than usual. Just then, my knights in shining armor turn the corner. Jackson leading them, he gives me a 'Sup' nod. "I have to go. I'll see you at the dance!" I say as I jog to meet my friends.

"I love you!" he calls out to me. Despite feeling really bad about it, I pretend not to hear him.

"Hey, guys," I say, hugging everyone in turn.

"Why didn't you answer?" Jackson questions me.

"What are you talking about?" I respond.

"Why didn't you say anything to answer lover boy?"


Jackson smirks. I give him a smile and he drapes his arm around my shoulders. He assumed this position as we walked to the mall.

When we finally reach our shopping destination, Jackson drops his arm as Fawn takes my hand and pulls me into Nordstrom. We find no dresses, but we try on multiple outfits and walk up and down the fitting room area's hallway, strutting as though it were a catwalk, with the guys seated on a couch at the end of the hall.

We finish up there after about twenty minutes and move on to a small dress boutique. As I walk in, I'm immediately overtaken by the beauty of the dresses surrounding me. They all fit my style perfectly, not too girly, not too edgy. They have no sparkle, but many have lots of poof. It kills me that I can't get one.

Fawn seems just as awe-struck as I am, but the squeak of Rori's wheelchair soon breaks her trance. She grabs my hand again and grabs a white and navy blue dress for me, while grabbing a pink one for herself. I reluctantly try on the dress in the curtain fitting room.

I walk out at the same time as Fawn, and, for the first time ever, the guys look at Fawn for a millisecond and move their eyes to me and my dress. Their eyes are locked on me, Dax's mouth hanging open. Jackson has a strange look on his face, one I've never seen him use before, and is smiling. Rori is wide-eyed. "Dax, you'll catch a fly," I say.

"Wow," my friends all day together, Fawn included. I feel myself heating up, and I can imagine my red face conflicting with the colors of the dress.

"Grey," Fawn says, "please tell me you're getting that dress."

"Fawn, please tell me I have a full wallet."

"You know I don't lie."

"Exactly. As much as I'd love to have this dress, I can't afford a box of Mac and Cheese right now, let alone a three hundred dollar dress.

A voice rings out from a back room, "Price was brought back, love! It's two-fifty. Plus it was on the clearance rack, so that's two-hundred." A girl with short, wavy hair walks out from behind a purple, Tumblr-like, banister. "I'm Rachel. That dress looks amazing on you."

"Thank you. Really, it means a lot. But, I can't get this. I can't afford it."

"Grey," Jackson says, standing up. "Let me get it for you." My eyes widen at the proposal.

"Jackson, I can't possibly let you spend two-hundred dollars on me. Over a dress, nonetheless."

"Grey," he says softly, putting a hand on my upper arm. "Just let me get you the damn dress. I got paid yesterday and I got a raise. I don't have anything else to spend it on, and I'd rather buy you that dress and spend all my money instead of having money and have no excuse for not taking Booby Bobby on a date."

"Wait, Booby Bobby wants a date with you?" Rori interjects.

"Is Booby Bobby that girl with the shītty personality and big boobs that every guy wants to f*ck?" Dax asks.

"Yeah, that's the one. We've skipped a couple classes together and now she keeps hinting that it should be serious. I'm not about that life. Anyway. Grey. The dress. I'm getting it."

I look at Jackson. I just stand there looking at him, not saying anything.

I look over at Fawn after about ten seconds of looking at Jackson's face. (a beautiful face, by the way) She can read my mind sometimes. Well, most of the time. She gives me a look that she gave me on the day before Aiden he liked me, over a year ago. She tightened her lips, puckering them slightly, and smiled, raising her eyebrows.

I quickly shake my head. I look back at Jackson. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes. You look too great in that dress not to get it. I would be honored to be the one to get it for you."

"And the jackass's heart grew three sizes that day," says Rori. I'm eternally grateful to him for breaking the seriousness.

"Oh, shut up," the jackass states, "Grey, go change so we can get it."

"I'll ring you up over here," Rachel calls from behind a faux-marble counter. Jackson turns to her and walks to the counter, leaving me to remove the dress in the dressing room.

I walk out of the room in my previous clothes, hanging my gorgeous dress on my left forearm. "Here, let me package that for you," says Rachel as she walks up to me and takes the dress. She walks back to behind the purple banister.

Once everything is settled, Fawn buys a dress that she looks flawless in, and the five of us leave to go home. Jackson's arm finds its way around my shoulders once again. "Merry Christmas, happy birthday, happy Easter, and Merry Christmas again," he says.

"What?" I laugh.

"You know, since that dress was your gift for all of those holidays combined?"

I laugh again.

As we reach a four-way street, we all go a different way, other than Rori and Dax, who split up a little further down the road. "Bye, guys. See you tomorrow," I call to my friends.

I get home and see my mom on the counter once again, however, this time, the guy is shirtless and pant-less, as is my mother. I shriek and hurry up to my room.

I walk to my mirror and hold up the dress in front of me. "Wow."

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