•Chapter 6: An Eighth Grade Crush•

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Remember that Bobby is a girl that Jackson has been skipping classes with. She wanted to date him, but he said he "wasn't about that life". Refer to chapter 2 for a recap on Bobby.

K bye, fam.

Toes are weird. They're tiny little fingers on your feet, but what purpose do the serve? Do they only exist to be stubbed? Well, my theory is that they give you extra balance. That balance is necessary to stand, to walk. But would we need balance to run? Yeah, you need to have a center of gravity, but if you're going fast and know where your aiming, I don't think anything can stop you from running where you need to go, whether you have toes or not.

Jackson and I had internally decided we'd stay in the car, that was, until the temperature dropped. We headed inside my house, Jackson a good distance behind me. I don't know what's been going on with us lately. It feels like we like each other, but with Jackson, he makes every girl feel that way. It's weird. Like toes.

As we walked in, I thanked God my mother's bedroom door was closed. On Friday nights like these, she usually goes on a rampage and she already doesn't like Jackson. Had she seen him, she would've beaten him to death.

We tiptoed to my room and shut the door behind us. I walked over to my bed, while he sat down at my desk. "I haven't forgotten what you said," Jackson tells me after a few minutes of silence.

"I only said it like ten minutes ago, I wouldn't expect you to," I answer, assuming he was referring to me saying I wanted to run away.

"Not that."

This surprised me. "What is it then?"

"In eighth grade."

"I said lots of things in eight grade. Mind being a little more specific?" I say.

"In eighth grade I overheard you talking to Fawn about a crush. She saw me. I assumed she told you I heard."

I had two different crushes throughout my three years of middle school. One was Jackson. The other was Roger Roberts, a kid that died in a drunk-driving accident in freshman year. I prayed he was referring to Roger. "What did you hear?"

"I heard you saying that you loved his soft hair and his mesmerizing smile and his dreamy eyes."

"Who was I talking about? I had like fifty crushes in eighth grade. It was stupid."

"Guess who."

This sounded like the ideal time for a 'your mom' joke, but Jackson's parents died that year. It just wasn't right.


"Nope," Jackson answered, popping the 'p'. My mind went into a frenzy, knowing that I was talking about him.

"Who?" I say, beginning to shiver.

Jackson notices me shivering. "Here," he says, walking over to me from my desk and wrapping his jean jacket around me. He sits down on the bed next to me.

"Thanks," I mumble, still shaking. I crawl under the covers.

"Can I slither-in?" Jackson says, gesturing to my Harry Potter pillow.

I chuckle and nod. "So, who was it?"



"Why are you forcing me to relive my awful taste in guys?" I ask, a sarcastic look on my face.

"Because I have worse taste."

"What do you mean?" I question, knowing very well what he meant. My heart was beating out of my chest. We face each other under my gray covers.

"I mean.." His voice trails off. He wanted to say something. "I mean I'm falling for Bobby." That wasn't it. "I wanted to be sure that you didn't have feelings for me."

"Of course not, Jackson. Don't be so full of yourself. I have standards."

"Good. Yeah. Yeah." Jackson's words stick together in a way that suggest that he wanted me to say otherwise.

"I'm tired. Do you mind if I go to sleep?" I ask, trying to mask the sadness I feel. I

"Go ahead." I turn to face away from Jackson. "Mind if I do this?" he asks as he puts his arms around me.

"Go ahead," I answer as a smile spreads across my face.

I don't fall asleep for another 20 minutes because my heart was beating so hard, so fast. The feeling of having Jackson right there was so comforting, I didn't ever want to move. Especially since the last thing I heard were five words I'd wanted to hear since earlier that night.

"Grey. I'll run with you."


Sooooo, what did you think? I'm sorry if it was short, I just wanted to get this whole scene out of the way before they go. If you think the story is taking a little long for the main conflict, don't worry because by chapter 9, they'll be in NYC. YAAAAAYYYYYYY!

Much love,

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