•Chapter 5: Goodbye to the Freak•

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This is dedicated to the finest mother f*cker alive, my best friend, my other half, the one I can't live without, ilike2writestories . Read her story if you can! I love it!!!!

The Winter Formal marked the beginning of winter break. As one can imagine, I evenly split up my break between spending time with my friends (I was with Jackson a lot) and spending time with my love(s). Netflix and Barry Allen. Why Barry Allen? Do your Flash research.

Anyway, the break seemed to speed by. I celebrated Christmas with Jackson, as my mom is an atheist, as is his uncle, (I've been an unorthodox Christian since I was five, and I sorta convinced Jackson to join me, but I'll get into that later.) and Fawn came by his house for a few hours whenever I stayed there, including Christmas. We gave each other small gifts, Fawn and Jackson both gave me cheap (beautiful) jewelry. I bought Fawn a Starbucks gift card because she's basic and I got Jackson a Chipotle gift card because he's more basic.

The first week back to school was hard as it was. With unbearable amounts of homework in each class, three pop-quizzes, and test warnings flying everywhere, I wanted  to die. The week was horrible for all of us, but Rori definitely had it worst. We were walking down the hall talking about potatoes.

"Yeah, I mean there's baked potato, sweet potato, raw potato," Rori begins.

"Don't forget fries," Jackson adds.

"And tater tots!" I say excitedly. It's just the three of us walking to my locker at around 9 AM on the first Tuesday back to school, so all of us were tired and irritable. But, like always, Rori came up with some insane conversation to cheer us up.

"Hey Freak!" yells a large Neanderthal from the left side of us, pointing his fat finger at Rori. My theory is that his parents only gave him half the nutrients he needed as a baby, so his brain only half-developed.

"Bradford, pleasure," Rori says, pushing himself forward, attempting to leave the caveman and his underdeveloped entourage behind.

"Hey Cripple, why don't you get out of that wheelchair for once?"

"Maybe it's because my body doesn't allow me to?" Rori answers. The bell rings and students scatter into their classrooms.

"Maybe if you weren't so weird, your legs would work!" says Brad.

"My personality has no effect on how my body functions," Rori retorts.

"Okay, fine. If you won't stand up for yourself, why don't you have your girlfriend do it?" Brad spits, obviously referring to me.

"I would, but I only argue people with an entire brain," I say.

"She won't, but I will. So, why don't you back the f*ck up before I make you?" Jackson says forcefully.

Brad walks up to in front of Rori's wheelchair and puts his hands on either armrest, moving his face close to Rori's. "They're not always going to be around, Freak," he says just before he pushes the wheelchair and kicks the bottom of it, forcing it and Rori to fall backward.

"Rori!" I shriek instinctively. As the group of cavemen walk off, Jackson and I rush to Rori's side.

"Hey, you okay, man?" Jackson says, pulling the wheelchair upright.

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