•Chapter 4: Once a F*ckboy, Always a F*ckboy•

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Hey guys! If you don't know what the inside of a Waffle House looks like, I suggest looking it up in order to understand a certain scene a little better. Okay, now enjoy!

The next morning, I woke up to a shirtless Jackson. He didn't have a six pack, but, instead, a more genuine ab outline. That was one thing about Jackson that was pretty cool. He wasn't really buff. He wasn't at all scrawny. He was.. Jackson. Anyway, I woke up with him shirtless, a towel around his neck and worn-out jeans hanging at his waist.

He said he always had extra clothes in his car "just in case". I quickly got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. When I was ready, Jackson offered to take me to Waffle House. It was close and convenient.

We arrived at the small diner around 10:00. The waitress came to our table immediately after seeing us walk in. By that time, both of us knew what we wanted. I let Jackson order first. Once he orders his Belgian waffle, I order a bacon and cheese omelet on egg whites. "Now watch them all freak out," I say to Jackson when the waitress goes behind the counter and tells the chef our order.

Immediately, people start shouting, "Egg whites?" and "No yolk? How the hell do you do that?" or "Do we cut it out?" Jackson and I attempt to hold back our laughter. We don't succeed.

When our food arrives, we see that they did, indeed, cut out the yolk, leaving a big hole in my omelet. But, it was still amazing, because they stuffed the hole with bacon, the way they always do. "That's a beautiful omelet," Jackson chuckles, taking a bite out of his waffle.

"Oh, please. You have the Kim Kardashian of waffles!"

"I'm eating Kim K?" he questions, his mouth full.

"Yes. Now chew."

The rest of our breakfast was quite uneventful, as was our day. We laughed a lot, though, and went to Jackson's house toward 3:00. I spent the night there because I didn't want to be alone. Jackson's living situation is similar to mine, but he lives with his uncle. He isn't around much, and apparently stopped caring about Jackson's presence once he turned sixteen.

Anyhow, Jackson has a sofa in his room, which he slept on against my wishes. For an hour or so, we played with a small ball and asked each other random questions. Given how the day had been going, I was so tempted to ask him the question I had asked Aiden just a few days before. I couldn't help myself. "What do you think about running away?" I ask, he responded with a low snore. I let out a sigh, as I was so nervous how he would react. I made that my indication to go to sleep. I crawled into the covers and closed my eyes.

The next morning, I wake up to the sound of a special ringer that I set for phone calls from Fawn. I grudgingly picked up the phone and am greeted with Fawn's perky voice. "Hi!"

I groan. "Hi."

"I'm outside your house. Come let me in." I panic. I look around me as though I'd find something to help me out of my situation. I spring up in bed and look over to Jackson, who is still asleep on the couch.

Finally, I decide to come clean. "I would, but I can't."

"Why?" she asked.

"I'm not home," I answer. I check the clock on my phone and see that it's 9:00, too early for me to say I went out.

"Don't tell me you hooked up with Aiden!" she says. I gasp.

"Do you seriously think I'd stoop so low?" I ask. Just then, Jackson moans. He must've woken up when I answered the phone.

"Gray!" Fawn exclaims. I cover the phone's microphone.

"Idiot!" I whisper/yell at Jackson. He smirks.

"It's fine, Fawn. It's just me!" he says.


Simultaneously, Jackson and I give our own response. Jackson says, "Yup," while I yell, "NONONONONONO." I slap his arm.

"Kidding," Jackson says.

"I just spent the night over here because we were hanging out all of yesterday and by the time I was going to go home, it was late and I didn't feel like driving," I explain.

"THAT'S EVEN BETTERRRRRRR!" Fawn shouts excitedly.

"No, Fawn. It's not like that," I say, desperate for her to understand. When she wouldn't, Jackson simply took my phone and hung up.

"Why'd you do that? Now, she won't leave me alone about this!" I ask.

"Grey. Calm down."

My shoulders relax. "Okay. She's probably on her way here now, so can I borrow a shirt?"

"My shirts are probably four sizes too big."

"Then I'll just wear my flannel over the waist. White tee, please," I say as Jackson walks to his closet.

He tosses me a white v-neck. He walks to me with his jean jacket in his hands. "Wear this too. It looks good on you."

My face flushes a bright pink. Jackson seems to notice as his facial expression softens to a light smile. I take the jacket. "Thanks."


"So," I begin, "what do you have planned for today?"

"Probably Netflix."

Fawn was at the house sooner than I expected, so when she got there, she and I immediately left.

When we got into the car and were driving for a couple minutes, she decided to bring up my outfit. "You're wearing his clothes," she said with a smirk.

"I just didn't want to wear the same clothes again."

"And he lent you his favorite jacket?"


"Okay. But, Grey."


"As much as I ship you two-"

"Stop that!"

"Stop acting, like, twelve," she said as I crossed my arms. "As I was saying, I ship you guys. However, he's a player. You've heard him talk about girls. Just, know that he doesn't get feelings for girls. He just doesn't. I don't want you to fall for him and get hurt."

I stop. In the last two days, I've been contemplating my feelings for Jackson. The feelings have always been there, but I was with Aiden and before that, we were just awkward. I've been able to put those feelings aside. But, in these days, the feelings have been creeping up on me. Still, I've decided that I can't let Jackson be a rebound. I can't be with him right now. But, I can sense that he has real feelings for me. Or maybe I just want to think that.

"But, Fawn. What if I don't? Get hurt, I mean. What if he really has feelings for me?"

"Oh, hon. Once a f*ckboy, always a f*ckboy."

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Tell me what you think!

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