Chapter 12

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I sat there tears streaming down my face. "why?" was the question I repeated quietly to myself. How could she do this, I didn't even get to say goodbye. I might not ever be able to see my baby girl again. I began sobbing again right as Alex ran onto the bus. "Ri!" he exclaimed as he saw me. "dude what's the matter" he asked pulling me into a hug. I just shook my head then cried into the crook of his neck.

*Alex's POV*
I sat on the floor of our bus and let Rian cry on my shoulder, I had no clue why he was crying but I knew he could use the comfort. After about 10 minutes of his weeping, he decided to speak up. "A-ash took, h-" he stuttered out. "I won't be able to see h-her ever again!" he said loudly, avoiding Haleys name like if he said it, it would make this come true. Rian lay his head back on my shoulder and I rubbed his back. I tear rolled down my cheek, she wasn't even my daughter but I loved that girl. She was amazing, how she could sing almost all of our songs and she was only 6. How no matter what was going on she could cheer us all up. Haley was a little ball of happiness that filled all of us up with her happiness, but now she was gone. Not gone for good I was determined we'd get her back, for rian, and for Haleys sake.


"Alex, she never told me her address, or where she was from" Rian stated looking blankly at me. "I will never see her again" his voice cracked at the end. "I need her, I miss her" he spoke quietly. It had been a week since Ashley left with Haley. Rian wasn't taking it well. The first few days Rian didn't talk to anyone, he cried, ate very rarely, played the show, cried in the shower, cried in his bunk, slept and repeated. It was really hard to see my friend in tears, and there was nothing we could do about it.

*Rians POV*
It was week two of no Haley, man did I miss her. The guys tried almost every night to cheer me up with parties, but I didn't want to party. I wanted my kid back. I haven't really checked my phone much since I've lost Haley. Every time I tried I'd see tweets asking where Haley was, or it was me calling Ashley continuously. Cassadee is on tour as well so i can't have her around to cheer me up. She never even got to meet Haley, we planned for her to meet her over Christmas

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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