Coming Home

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Chapter 16

It’s been a week since Fred asked me to be his girlfriend; it feels easier being with him now he makes me feel safe. I was eating lunch with everyone I sat between Ginny and Fred then across from Harry. I finished eating and decided then and there I was going to visit my parents

‘You guys, I think I’m going to be gone for a bit’ I said standing up and putting my plate and fork in the sink

‘Were you going love?’ Fred asked coming beside me so nobody could hear

‘I think I’m going to visit my parents, I haven’t seen them since I went to the centre’ I walked past Fred to go to my room.

I went to my room and started packing a suitcase to hold a weeks worth of clothes

‘Love why don’t I come with you, I want to meet your parents’ he said helping get my bathroom things out the bathroom

‘Are you sure you want the furry of my older brother’ I snickered thinking about what Oliver would say

‘It would be easier to pull pranks then love’ he laughed putting the rest of my things in the suitcase.

I wrapped my arms around Fred and gave him a long kiss which he complied with as always. We broke apart breathless

‘So hurry up and pack so we can go’ I said pushing him out the room

‘Ah you’re no fun love’ he gave a puppy dog face as he walked away.

Hours later…

We arrived in front of my parent’s home; I walked up to the door with Fred and knocked. I waited a few minutes and the door opened to reveal my brother

‘How may I help you?’ he asked looking at me

‘Don’t you recognize your own sister Oliver’ I scoffed putting my hands on my hips

‘Serenity is that you, you look so different’ he beamed hugging me to death.

I started to struggle till he let me go

‘So how’s the centre last time I checked you got a job offer there congratulations’ he invited me into the living room.

‘That’s true I did get the offer but I don’t know if I’m taking it yet’ I shrugged placing my bags on the couch

‘Oliver you remember Fred Weasley don’t you’ I said nodding to the door were Fred stood nervous looking.

‘Well if it isn’t my old team mate, I thought Serena hated you’ he laughed inviting Fred in.

Fred stood beside me and took a hold of my hand which made me blush like mad

‘Things change Wood, how’s life treating you these days’ Fred shook Oliver’s hand in his free one

‘Treats me well except it makes me find out that you two are back together’ he said moving to the kitchen

‘Ya well were mum and dad. I thought they would be here’ I asked taking some chocolate chip cookies from the cookie jar

‘They umm… kind of had an accident’ he shuddered as he spoke.

I was taken back by what he said, what kind of accident did they have, is it serious. I should have come back earlier. These things were swimming around my head. I took a seat at a near by chair and slumped in it biting my thumb

‘What kind of accident Oliver’ I asked darkly

‘They were attacked by a Death Eater a few weeks back; mother took the killing curse for dad. He left a note saying he couldn’t live on knowing that mother was gone so he hung himself in Diagon Alley. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you I just didn’t know how’ Oliver was crying and all I could do was shaking with fear, my parents were gone and they weren’t coming back.

Tears fell from my eyes but I couldn’t bring myself to cry it just wasn’t happening

‘The house is left in our name, and there is one more thing that was left for you’ he said walking out the room and bringing back an envelope

‘What’s that?’ I questioned as he handed it to me

‘It has your name on it. I didn’t open it like I could have’ he said pouring some hot chocolate in a mug.

Oliver made me a hot chocolate drink with whip and chocolate bits in the top; he made the same for himself and Fred. Fred never said anything since the news that was given to me. I looked over to Fred to see him zoned out

‘Fred I’m surprised you haven’t said anything yet’ I laughed nervously trying to defuse the tension in the atmosphere

‘I don’t know what to say except I’m sorry that you lost your parents, I never experienced death that was close to me.’ He said quietly

‘It’s alright Fred we remember them in our memories, at least we have that right? I just don’t want you to be sad Serena they never died in vain’ Oliver said to us.

I opened the envelope to reveal a letter and a necklace attached; it was a locket that had our family crest engraved on it. I opened the locket to see a picture of or parents on the left side; on the right were Oliver and I as little kids, they were both moving pictures that I smiled at. I opened up the letter and read it aloud.

  Serenity my beloved daughter, I’m so sorry that I left you and your brother alone, I just couldn’t bear living without your mother, all the guilt in me was to much to deal with. I don’t want you to be sad about us dieing but to remember the wonderful happy memories we have left you. I want you to know how proud I am of you that you have picked something you loved so much to pursue as a career Dragons are wonderful creatures.

I want to give you advice, I know that you and Fred have had a ruff patch with one another but I want you to follow your heart and know that I believe that you and Fred are meant for one another even though you may not know that you. When you marry I want you to know I will be there in spirit and I will always be by your side with your mother. When you marry I want you to have my blessing even though I am not truly there to give it to you.

I want to leave you with your mother’s engagement ring for you to have a piece of love that was shared with the ring. I also leave you and your brother the house and everything in it. You can take what you want from me and your mother; we want you kids to have it.

We will always love you no matter what you do and that were so proud of you and your accomplishments in life.

I also want you to give Harry a place in your heart no matter what happens. I have written a letter addressed to Harry because he was so close to the family, like the son I could have had after you and Oliver.

                        Love always and eternity your mum and dad.

I started to cry uncontrollably after I read the letter. I couldn’t move I felt so numb, Fred picked me up and took me to my old room and I passed out from all the crying that night. I felt so bad that my parents died like they did and my dad decided to take his own life so soon after mum died.

Later I woke up a bit dazed in the middle of the night. I felt warm arms around me and it was Fred sleeping beside me, he looked like he was also crying but he didn’t loose his parents like I did, he still had family and I just had Oliver who only cared about Quidditch.

A/N I had other ideas for this chapter but decided to change it as I went along.

What do you think is going to happen after Serenity just had that big blow to the heart with her parents being gone??

Hope you liked the chapter people!!





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