Total Tom Boy When I Met You

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This is the last chapter for Serenity Woods. The next one after this will be the epilogue. I’m giving you a Fred chapter for the last one then the epilogue will be in Serena’s point of view J

Chapter 17

Fred POV

It has been a week since Serena found out her parents died. I’ve been there with her every step of the way, she was broken you could plainly see it. Oliver and her have been looking through items and things of there parents. Serenity found jewelry and books that she packed in a box to take with her to The Burrow.

I came over to the kitchen and found Oliver sitting with a photo album

‘Hey what you looking at’ I asked taking a seat beside him to see a photos of Serena and Oliver together

‘Pictures of when I and Serena would play together’ he said distantly

‘Did you know when she was small that she went to go see a muggle Santa and ran away saying he looked evil’ he laughed turning a page

‘Then when she was eleven she went again and wasn’t scared’ he flipped through more pictures.

He was telling me all about Serena and how she was a quiet daddy girl that did things the opposite of what a girl would do

‘She never had teddy bears or dolls; she just liked to do boy things. Up until she started to grow into a women body she was a total tom boy’ he chuckled.

He turned to another picture that wasn’t enchanted; she had a piano in front of her. She looked so loving and fun.

‘She changed over the years especially 5th year, became distant and quiet; sometimes I blame myself because I was so mean to her or I shrugged her off. When she started dating Harry she never kissed him just an innocent hug, our parents loved Harry and you of course, but just never imagined her wanting to be surrounded by dragons like she was.’ He said letting a tear drop on a photo of her with a dragon which was taken recently.

We talked for a couple hours, Serena never came in she was in her fathers study

‘Fred you have to take good care of her, I can’t be the one to watch out for her constantly. I trust that you’ll be there when she needs someone to rely on’ Oliver turned to me with a hard look

‘I never judged you when you and Serena had that fight last year, I new you guys would get through it. I want you to have this’ he handed me a diamond ring with a topaz jewel in the centre ‘this was my mothers engagement ring that I want you to purpose to Serena with’ he got up and walked away

‘Oh yeah and you have my blessing as a brother’ he winked and walked into the study.

I never thought of marriage with her but I was madly in love with her. I always have been when I first met her on the train when it was my third year


‘Mum you don’t need to kill me’ ‘Were only 12 for to love of God’ George and I said together

‘I’ll miss you nonetheless, now go you’ll miss your train’ she yelled as we hopped on the train to find a compartment. We found one with our best friend Lee Jordan

‘Hey mate how was your summer’ I and George asked

‘Great, did you hear there’s a new girl that looks really cute?’

‘Looks like Lee has a crush’ we laughed as he blushed in embarrassment.

We were talking about how our summer was when we heard a commotion outside the compartment

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