The Burrow Reunion

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Chapter 12

It was the last day for all of us at work here. I was gathering my uniform when Charlie came in

“Hey Serena, can I ask you something?” I turned to him at the door

“Yeah sure, what you want” he walked into the room sitting on the bench

“Are you going to take the job offer to stay here or are you going back to Hogwarts?” He said fiddling with his thumbs.

I thought about it before I answered, do I really want to go back to that school? I truly love it here it’s taken me to another world with dragons

“I’m not sure I’d have to think about it for awhile and also what my parents think about it” I said walking out the room

“Well I hope you do your fun around here” he said walking towards me

“Are you coming with me to the Burrow?” I said elbowing him in the ribs

“Yeah it’s time I go visit everyone.”

Later at home

I was in my room packing up my cloths when Dylan came in and started playing with my rainbow quill I got from McGonagall

“So when are we going to the Weasleys? I have everything ready to go” I sat beside him on my bed and put my arms around him

“All we have to do is wait for Charlie and then we can go baby” he put his arms around my waist

“Will have the best summer together” he said and started kissing me and of course I complied.

We pulled back breathless

“Guess what happened today” I looked at him in curiosity

“What now, don’t tell me you broke the furniture again” I said smacking him on the arm playfully.

Josh and Dylan wrestled one day and smashed the wood coffee table, don’t ask how because I honestly don’t really know.

“Nope not that I know of, I got the job offer at the centre and I might take it” he said grinning like mad

“Oh my God baby that’s great!” I said tackling him with a hug.

We were so happy in that moment, until the doorbell rang and I had to leave the room to get it

Charlie arrived with a duffle bag and I went to gather my belongings and Dylan did the same.

“Ready to go, will go by apparation” Charlie said

We shrunk our bags small enough so I could but mine and Dylan’s things in my purse. I was wearing a long tribal print dress and had simple make up on with some sandals on.

We arrived in front of the Burrow when we seen all the Weasleys outside eating lunch. They all looked up and I seen Ginny, Harry, Ron, and George running full speed at me. I braced my self as George tackled me in a hug

“Serena you look so good, you look completely different” he released me so the others could give me hugs

“George you know a person can change when there gone for awhile” I said poking him

“You seem so happy since we seen you, how have you been” Harry asked

“I’ve been good, I became a new person while I was there and made close friends” Ginny came over beside me

“So who’s the guy you brought with you” she asked nudging me

“Yeah he seems intimidating next to Charlie” Ron said looking over his shoulder

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