It's gotten harder to stop myself from staring at Snow. The impulse has gotten stronger and I feel myself wanting to touch him. Not in a sexual way, no in casual brushing of hands or accidental bumping of our shoulders. I crave to caress his jaw or even to touch my finger tips to the moles on his cheek.

"Mr. Pitch, I'd appreciate it if you would answer when I call on you." Our instructor snaps at me from my short lived daydream. I mutter an apology and answer her question as cooly as possible. I can feel a pair of eyes on me from Snows direction. He's watching me and so I smirk slightly so he can see. I can hear the audible grumble from behind me and I know its Snow. I do have to keep up with appearances and annoying the shit out of Snow is a part of that. I also like to see him get flustered, its cute.

"The bloody git." He mumbles as we leave class. Penny shakes her head and then Wellbelove joins the pair. They're so...tightly connected and I'm envious. I only wish I had someone to be that close to. Dev and Niall do everything I say but its not the type of companionship I want anyway.

They can never know what I am or how I feel. If they knew. I was in love with a bloke they'd go off their rocker. If they knew that bloke was Simon Snow they'd murder me. I have a feeling that they'd sooner forgive me for being a vampire than for loving Simon Snow.


As always months pass and they go fairly quickly, we all settle into an accustomed routine. Sleep, eat, drain a few rats a night—I guess that's only me. I begin to get comfortable mid-november when classes are start to slow after the beginning of the year but resting before mid terms.

"Baz?" It shocks me to hear that voice in our room. Simon is looking at me like I'm a friend, its unsettling but it stirs something inside of me that won't stop fluttering.

"You're not staying here for Christmas are you?" He asks, he seems softer but still on guard. He sits on his bed with a papers and books spread across it. I wonder what they're for and why he's asking me this?

"No, I'm going home like I always do." I mutter bitterly.

He nods promptly and goes back to his papers. I look over and use my eyes to my advantage and look to see what he's working on. I see the word "hare" several times and it piques my interest. What is he working on?

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