Everyone! I'm so sorry this last month was my last month of high school and and this is my excuse as to why I have not updated for quite a while so I apologize.

Last time I asked a question for you guys to answer so I thought maybe I'd do another.

Who is your favorite character from Carry On? why?


"What was that?" he asks confusion in his expression and his guard up.

"What was what?" I ask quite confused and partially bothered by the way Simon looks in those jeans.

"That look, you gave me a look." He mumbles. I see the blood visibly rush to his cheeks as they turn red.

"What look would that be, Snow?" I ask and grin towards him as I move closer. Drunk off blood, my body is no longer in my control the part of my mind that was rational is shut down and out the door.

"You're doing it again!" He shouts but doesn't move from his corner. He stays put and watches as I stalk towards him. i move like a cat stalking its prey, like I would if I were hunting a larger animal only this time I have no intention of spilling blood.

"Oh this? This just means I want to snog the life out of you?" He stops and I stop. The air between us becomes colder and I feel all of his energy rush toward me like a magnet reaching out for me. He looks at me with his lips opened like is going to speak but nothing. I immediately begin to regret my words. The blood from my earlier meal goes to my head and Snow would have to catch me in the moment when I am drunk off of it.

"You want to snog me..?" he asks just above a whisper his eyes are still staring at me. he looks horrified and so I move. My natural instinct is to comfort the one I feel so strongly for. He doesn't move when I'm only a foot away and is still as stiff as a statue when I am directly in front of him. I can feel the breath rushing from his open mouth, it's warm on my neck.

I reach up to gently stroke his face and then brush a strand of curly blond hair from his face.

"Snow, " I whisper and look down at him. He looks up slowly so I can see his beautiful clear eyes, "I am going to do a thing don't get scared please." I whisper and reach my head down. My lips meet his skin and immediately it is fire. My mum always told me we were from fire but I never believed it until this moment when Simon Snow finally lit mine.


He can't mean that. Snog must be some weird vampire slang that means drains me dry. I can't handle what is about to happen because his mouth is inches from my neck. I don't want to die but my body cannot move as he continues to slowly move in for the kill. Before he spoke he had this look of utter peace and what was almost fear in his eyes. It had to have been part of his scheme to make me think I wasn't going to die but now I know. I am going to die and it will be because of Baz, as I always knew.

The pain, I brace myself for it. I kick myself for what seems like the last time since I am frozen, not with fear but with something else. I don't feel the fer instead I feel like I am in the arms of comfort. I feel his hand touch my skin and I know the next thing will be his fangs.

I don't close my eyes, I will stare death in the eye, it's the last thing I have.

Then it happens. His lips touch my skin and it burns. It burns and it feel like he is spelling my skin on fire but to my surprise I didn't feel pain. I feel the odd sensation of satisfaction. Like I need him to continue this until forever. His teeth have not touched my skin but his lips. Baz's plump lips kiss up my neck and towards my jaw. I can feel the heat rushing from my neck to my jaw and towards my ears. Along with the strange longing comes my hot blush. I stare down at him, his eyes closed and long dark eyelashes on his cheeks.

He is beautiful.

His lips finally travel from my jaw to my chin and finally he's stopped. His eyes meet mine and we stare. We stare until our eyes close and our lips touch.

Then it's magic. I can't help but occasionally sigh into his mouth. The earlier thoughts are no longer there the only thing I can think of is Baz.


My hands are a mess in his curls. My hands firmly hold him to me in the darkness below the school. As it always has been, Snow is the only thing I can focus on.


There will be more soon! I promise!

Hope you liked this because omg I had no trouble writing it I will try to update sooner now since I am done with school for now.

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