"Baz, we have to talk about this." Simon says from beside me. We sit on the cold floor where the unspeakable acts just happened.

"Snow, We cannot. I can't even fathom what just happened." I whisper. I wanted it to happen but I didn't ever think I would act on it in a million years. I look over to Snow whose face has dropped. His eyes on the floor and his mouth turned in a frown. Seeing the fault in my words, I crawl over and wrap my arms around him.

"Simon," I sigh into his hair, "I don't regret a thing, in fact I am proud and slightly ashamed that is has taken me this long to show you how I feel." He keeps his head down into my chest and sniffles. He picks his head up to look at me and my heart breaks as the tears slide down his cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Simon, I..." I falter for a moment and the look to him, "I love you Simon." He looks surprised but no longer hurt.

"How long have you felt this way?" He asks.

"For quite some time now, I'd say about a year after we first met. I had a crush on you for the second half of our first year actually." Everything starts coming a I realize the ease of talking to him. He nods thoughtfully and listens attentively as I tell him about the struggles of sixth year and trying not to attack him with kisses every time he came into the room. He laughs when I tell him about the basket of cookies I'd sent as a sign but he threw them out because he had thought they were an attempt on his life.

"It absolutely blows my mind that you have felt this way for so long and I have been so blind to it." He says with real surprise. He leans in to press a kiss to my cheek.

"How about before catch a disease down here we get out of here?" I laugh and look around at the damp cool concrete.

"Nice thinking," I get up and put my hand out for his. I grab it and a chill runs up my spine as I pull him up. I stumble and he falls into my chest.

"Whoa now, I know you want me but let's get out of here." I give him a cheeky grin. His face is one of shock for a moment and then he grins back. When we emerge into the daylight I pull him towards the door that lead out to the courtyard. We race across until we reach the gate. His cheeks are red with exhaustion. We have the whole school to ourselves and so I pull him again toward the yew trees. When we get there I sit and wait for him to sit.

"So.." He began and looked down.

"Yes Simon?" i ask and pull his chin to look at me.

"I just, what will happen when everyone comes home from the holidays? I mean, what will happen to this?"


I study his face as it moves from one emotion to another. His brows knit together in thought.

"Well, I think everyone must know I have a giant crush on you, if not they're just as daft as you." He smiles and pulls me into his chest for a hug.

"What is this for?" I ask and slide my arms around him. He squeezes me and then pulls me closer.

"Well that you know my feelings so I don't intend to be away from you. I have kept myself at bay for years and now I don't feel like I should torture myself any longer. " He smiles.

I grin and pull his hand into mine. I can still feel my myself blushing but maybe I just look like my rosy self. He pulls himself into my lap with his head on my thighs. With his face towards me he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His eyelids are pale and almost translucent. In the dimming sun the blue veins stick out against his skin.

He opens his eyes to find me staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" He asks.

"Only the most beautiful human I have ever met." I lean down and press my lips to his. His lips form around mine and we fit like two pieces of a puzzle. His arms move so that they are pulling himself up.

"C'mon, it is getting cold." I say and pull him up as I stand. He pulls his hand in mine and we walk back to our house.

In the it is just as quiet as we left it but a new mood has passed over it. Instead of paranoia there is comfort. I pull him into my arms once we get to the commons room. From there I use my wand to spell us peppermint tea and, of course, scones. When the scones appear his eyes practically bulge from his head. I laugh and pass him the butter.

"So, what happens now?" He asks and slathers butter onto his scone.

"I'm not entirely sure? What do you want to happen?" I ask and shyly look at him.

"Well, I don't fancy being in the closet any longer." He grins. I laugh at his cheeky grin and kiss his cheek.

"I think I'm farther in the closet than you snow, I've been hiding these feelings for years."

"Maybe, but I think deep down I knew I was in love with you.", My heart beats faster but he continues to talk.

"I was obsessed with what you were doing, so me loving you wasn't too far off."

"You love me?" I breathe out. His face is stern now and he looks to me.

"Of course I love you, you prat." His expression changes from stern to cheeky smile. He laughs and halfway tackles me to the floor. His arms wrapped around my waist and face nuzzles into my shoulder.

"Snow, why are you holding me like a girl?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"Because you're cute when you're pissed off. He giggles, so I use my strength and the distraction to turn us over. He laughs and as I pull him into my arms.

"See, this was the plan." He laughs again and settles into my arms for more comfort.

"You're too much Simon Snow."

"Maybe but you do love me remember?"



It has been like eight years. This is literally my first year of college and like if I could barely manage this in high school how did I think it was going to go in college? Did I mention I was sorry? I am. I love this story, Simon and Baz. I really hope it won't be another century before I write again but I swear on my copy of Carry On, I will update soon....ish.

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