Chapter 1 ☢

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~Hannah's P.O.V~

I hate this cafeteria. They give us the grossest food! I had better food at my old adoption families houses. Here all they feed you is mashed potatoes, which are soggy and liquid, and meat pies but I'm pretty sure they are poisoned.

I grab a tray and let the cook put the food on my plate. I wal over to my table in the corner where no one else sits. I don't sit with people because I don't talk and I don't want people to think I don't like them or anything. But the thing is I haven't talked since my parents abandoned me at this place.  That's why I get adopted and then returned.. 

I picked at my food slowly. I really don't want to eat it but this is really the only thing they feed us so I have to. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to throw up but I've learned to keep it down. 

I finished and got up to put my wrappers in the garbage and tray on the shelf. I slowly walked out of the doors. I saw all the little kids running around playing tag and playing with toys. Then there are the kids my age who just sit around listening to music and reading about famous people. Most people my age are depressed here. Some have been here since they were little and still never get adopted. I hope the little kids don't end up like that. It's not good for you. I know that from experience.

I get to the window and do the same thing I was doing before I had to go eat; hugging my pillow  and watching passing cars.  I remember the first time I was adopted. Getting into the car was scary but watching the passing trees distracted me.

I got lost in my thoughts but a big black van pulling into the drive way ripped me away. They pulled in on the far side so I couldn't see them get out of the truck. I heard the buildings door creak open. I looked back and ALL the girls were sitting there squealing. That's when I saw them. It was the boy band all the girls have been reading about. I can't remember their names.

Umm, One Dimensions. No. I really can't remember! Ohh yeah it is One Direction! That's it. Adrianna likes to babble on about them at night while I'm trying to sleep.

They split up and they went all around to find the perfect child. The blonde one went to the babies, the one with a buzz cut and the one with flippy like hair went to the little kids. And then the curly haired boy and the one with black quiff were looking at kids my age. 

They looked around, standing on their tippy-toes looking at all the children. The one with curly spotted me and grabbed the other boys arm and signaled me. They looked at me with a smile but I didn't smile back. They approached me but i just clenched the pillow tighter.

"Hey sweetie whats your name?" The one with the quiff said but I didn't answer. He softly grasped my hand. I stayed silent as my eyes tried to avoid eye contact.

"Hey, it's okay we won't hurt you." He said trying to get me to talk. He then put his other hand just higher then my elbow. I looked down at the pillow and bit my lower lip tightly.

Famous or not, I wasn't going through the pain I've dealt with beforem eve today. They weren't any different. Just dorks. They deserve better anyways.

"She won't talked." Mistress calls attention to the two boys. "Not for 7 years." 

The curly haired boy looks me up and down with his angelic emerald eyes, but I stare at the mistress. He helped me up and the other one nodded towards him. Mistress sighed.

"Go get your stuff, Hannah."

I went to get my stuff, that still was packed from earlier, and the boys signed the papers. I came back to the lobby and they were waiting for me.

"Here let me get this for you," The one with brown flippy hair said and grabbing my bag and taking me to the  black van. 

We hopped in but there wasn't enough room so I had to sit on one of their laps. They let me choose so I was comfortable. I chose the one with brown hair and blue eyes, because he seems nice and I have a feeling he will like me no matter if I talk or not.

We were driving and we came to a stop at a ginormous house. I didn't get too excited because I don't really know about this place and I'm just not that happy. It's more like a chore to smile, nowadays.

They take me inside and to my room. It was farthest down the hall, past all the other wooden doors. My room was bland but it had a MAC Laptop, IPod 5, Flat screen T.V and a iPhone? It is so awesome, and confusing. But I don't really know how to use this stuff.

"We will go out to get clothes and decorations in an hour or two. And I guess we should introduce ourselves. Well I'm Zayn." The one with the blonde streak says. I pinch my lips in a line.

"Harry." he curly haired one says. He smiles and two dimples indent his cheeks.

"I'm Niall." The blonde one says.

"Hi, I'm Liam." The one with a buzz cut said.

"AND I'M LOUIISSS!" The one who's lap I sat on earlier said loud and happily.

I nod and walk over to my bed where my laptop and IPhone are. I look at them confusedly. I think they notice so Liam comes over to show me how to use them.

"This is a IPhone. You can download games, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and more to talk to people! And this is a MAC Laptop and you can go on games watch movies and go on Facebook and other stuff. They're fun! Here I'll set you up a Twitter account so you can talk to our fans and stuff. You will get some hate from people but just remember this... They are just jealous of you! So, don't listen and if you need help ask me or one of the boys." Liam explains and I answer by nodding.

Hate? Like I haven't had enough. This is so confusing and complicated.

He sets me up a Twitter account. My user name is @Hannah_B1D. I like it, I guess. I follow the boys and they follow me and gave me a shout out. Almost instantly, I have 50,000 followers. I decided I would make a shy tweet.

'Hi, I'm One Direction's daughter Hannah... Please don't hate on me.'

I got replies like:

' @Hannah_B1D, We are here for you!'

' @Hannah_B1D, Don't listen to them. They are just jealous!'

'@Hannah_B1D, Welcome to the Directioner family!'

Directioner family? I've heard Adrianna call it their fandom before but they are a family?

I don't see any hate yet, luckily. I decide to follow a few of the nice people, though. I see Niall posted a picture of me and the description said:

'Our new child Hannah. Isn't she beautiful?! I Love You, @Hannah_B1D!'

Awe I knew he would like me no matter what.

They are nice and funny, I guess. Now I know why all the girls fancy them and always are obsessing over them. But only if they knew them. Well I don't really know them either but you know. I know enough for now! I guess they could be different. But what are the odds? This will probably turn out like any other family! 


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