Raylington vs Rydellington

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((I know I said the story would be only rydel's Pov but I've decided to change it up a bit.))

Ellington's Pov:
I was sitting on the Lynch's couch with Ross,rocky and riker,all in our underwear. Suddenly Rydel came around the corner,she looked...perfect. But I had to get over her. She walked up to me,"hi Ell." I smiled "Hi Dell. The boys and I are gonna have a guys day. " she nodded and walked away. We got our clothes on and left. I was constantly checking my phone,hoping Rydel would text or call, but she didn't. I didn't stop thinking of Rydel, until we went to the park. I saw a really skinny, tan,blonde girl sitting on the bench. I confidently pranced over there. "Hello. I'm Ellington. " she turned and flashed a bright smile,"I'm raylee. " after a few hours of talking,I had forgotten about Rydel completely.

-2 days later-

Rydel's Pov:
I was so excited to see Ell again. Lately,he hadn't answered my texts, my calls,my tweets,anything. I put on a soft pink skater skirt,dark gray halter,and some heels. I wrapped a few strands of hair around my curling rod and walked downstairs.
"Oh Hi Rydel. I want you to meet raylee,my girlfriend."
I flashed a fake smile,"nice to meet you raylee. I'm Rydel."
I really wanted to kick her out and send Ellington with her but I knew I couldn't. No matter how jealous I was,I had to be nice...or at least try.
I tried making friends with raylee. It wasn't until the 4th or 5th day,things changed.
We were in my room..
"Rydel we need to talk"
"I know you like Ellington. But sweetie,you need to move on. He's not interested."
To keep things friendly, I nodded.
"You haven't been acting very kind. Its not ells fault. You left him. He's with me now. You should be happy for him,if you really love him. What would the heavenly Father do?"
At this point,I was pissed.
"Alright look raylee. Don't bring your shit in my room. You may have my brothers and Ellington fooled,but not me. I never said I wasn't happy for Ellington. But maybe I'm just having a hard time moving on. Which you wouldn't understand because your life is perfect. Get out."
"Dell bells I was just trying to help"
"Get. Out."
She ran out of my room,crying to Ellington.
I stayed upstairs and sobbed in my pillow. I heard ross' voice. "Rydel...its okay." I looked up at him. "No its not Ross. I lost him."
"If you love someone, set them free. If they come back,they're yours. If not, they never were. " he wiped my tears gently. I nodded,"thanks Ross." We hugged tightly before Ellington walked in. "Rydel. We need to talk." My brother walked out,closing the door behind him. "Raylee told me what happened. Don't blame her. I won't forget you,you taught me what love was about. But I love raylee now,not you. Its time to move on,okay?"
I remembered what Ross told me. "Okay..I'll try. Have fun with raylee. But I have one question...why won't you answer my calls or texts."
He chuckled. "Raylee made me block you on all of my social media. Including call or text. "
That bitch..

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