Chapter 2: The Struggle

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Jaden in the media

Janelle P.O.V.

I walked into the Serenity Hotel with my head held high. I have been working here since I was 16 and I still am amazed at how beautiful the hotel is. I clocked in and went straight to the front desk and set my things under the counter. I sipped my coffee while mentally preparing myself for these 8 hours I was about to endure.
I didn't expect for today to be busy because Tuesdays are always slow. I was the only person working the front desk today too which means I could use that to my advantage to sneak in a nap later on without getting snitched on. I leaned back in my chair and sipped my coffee. Just when I had gotten comfortable the bell rung indicating someone had walked through the front of the hotel.

I sat up straight and put on my best smile but it dropped as soon as my boss walked in with his niece. Honestly I hated her! She was such a bitch. Her name was Melody and she had the worst attitude. She the type that will make you want to punch her.

"Good morning Janelle we have some things we need to discuss so follow me into my office." Mr. Willis said while walking past me on down the long hallway and into his office with melody right behind him. I got up out of my seat and headed towards his office even though I didn't really wanting to deal with him today. I walked into his office with a forced smile on my face and my head held high.

"Have a seat Janelle." I was hesitant at first but I did as told.
"From now on you will only have part time on the weekends. Now I know this job is your main source of income but I have to be fair and give my niece a job too. You will still be able to come in to work full time whenever you can on the week days but your weekend hours will be only part time." Mr. Willis looked at me with a stale face expression and I just sat there trying to let this register into my brain correctly.

I nodded my head with that same forced smile still on my face. I got up and walked out of his office and went into the bathroom that was only a few doors down. I held my head down in disappointment as soon as I stepped into the bathroom. I was coming to realization that I wasn't going to have enough money to pay the bills or to keep Jaden in private school . This was all too much. I had way to many responsibilities and people depending on me. I grabbed a napkin and dried my face before fixing my pencil skirt and walking out of the bathroom. I held my head high and put back on my happy face because I refused to let them see me down .

It was 3:00 and I was clocking out. I was happy as hell to get out of that hell hole. Walking to my car I tied my trench coat a little tighter due to the fact it was cold outside. It was the middle of December so this type of weather was expected. I got into my car and texted Jaden letting him know I was on my way to get him. The drive to his school was stressful with everything clouding my mind. When I got to his school he was standing outside hugged up with his girlfriend who was very beautiful . She waved at me and I returned the gesture before Jaden walked over and hopped in the front seat. I turned the radio down some and looked over at him before pulling off.

"What's wrong with you?" Jaden asked while rubbing his hands together and then putting them in front of the heat.

"My hours got cut to part time at the hotel. I won't be able to pay for you to go to private school any more and I don't think I will be able to pay some of these excess bills." I shook my head in shame. I felt like a failure having to tell him that. I looked over at him and he reached his hand over and patted my back.

"Aye don't trip. I don't necessarily have to attend private school. The only reason I even put up with it is for Diamond. I can attend regular highschool with you and I can get a part time job on the weekends. We gonna be alright don't stress yourself . Besides the house is already paid for thanks to our parents. We just need worry about the normal monthly bills. I can pay my own phone bill too. & let's not forget about the 300 thousand mom and dad left us.

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