Chapter 8: Regret!

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Diamond P. O. V

I walked into the house It was only 6:00 so I knew Devin would still be here. I have been trying avoid him as much as possible because he has become a whole new person every since he found out about my pregnancy. I sat my purse on the kitchen table and went to the refrigerator to get me a Gatorade. I turned around only to see Devin standing there watching me.

"Found out what you having? " he asked with a slight mug on his face.

"Its a boy. " I said while taking the cap off my drink.

"You just stupid ass fuck."

His words felt like a knife to my stomach. I never thought he would say something like that to me since we have always been close.

"Fuck you man. " I said before grabbing my purse and heading upstairs.

I could hear his heavy foot steps behind me.

"Bitch I hope you and that baby die. " he said with so much hate in his voice.

I turned around with tears gliding down my face. I looked him in his eyes and I seen them fill with regret. I couldn't describe the pain I was feeling at the moment so I just nodded my head and walked into my room closing and locking the door. I stripped from my clothes and went into my bathroom to run me some warm bath water. After putting my hair up in a bun and adding bubbles to my water I got in and sighed. Devin's words kept replaying over and over in my head. I was stressing so much that I felt my baby begin to move.

After my bath and taking my medicine I put on my bed clothes and turned on the TV. I sat on the bed and braided my hair into two braids. I flipped through the channels until I came across Martin. I couldn't even watch TV for the simple fact that my mind was on other things. I was starting to think that it was no longer safe for me to stay here with him. Then again I have no were else to go. My mom don't want me and my dad is in prison. I would move in with Jaden but I don't want to be a burden on their household. I sighed and resorted to my last option. I picked up the phone and dialed Jaden's number. It was time to tell him what was really going on.

Janelle P. O. V

I had only five minutes until it was time for me to clock out. I had been at the hotel since 11:00 this morning it was now 7:55. My feet hurt and so did my head. I seen Melody leaving out of her uncles office. I guess she was to be in charge until he returned from out of town. She gave me a fake smile but I didn't even acknowledge it.

"I know you supposed to get off at 8:00 but one of the staff will be coming in late I'll need you to stay until she gets here. " she said while starring at her nails.

This bitch had me all the way fucked up. I took a deep breath trying to save her from getting cursed out. I definitely couldn't afford to loose this job.

"I have siblings at home to tend too. I can't stay sorry! " I said before walking around her to clock out before she could say anything else.

"You are lucky I can't fire you! "

"You are lucky that I didn't curse your ass out" I said loud enough for her to hear me.

After clocking out I walked out of Serenity Hotel only to see Travis car pulling up to the entrance. I grew excited and I felt that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach like I always do when he comes around. He got out the car and opened the passenger door for me. I got in and watched him jog back around to the other side. He got in and the smell of his cologne made my panties moist. His presence kept me in a daze as I watched him pull off onto the street.

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