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Jordan was picking me up in ten minutes to go to the office. Aleks explained everything about my life after he brought me home, well everything he knew I guess.
    He also gave me my YouTube name so I could watch my videos and, 'get to know myself better'. I hadn't been to the office or recorded a video since waking up and decided it was time I got up off my lazy ass.
    I heard a horn and guessed it was Jordan was outside waiting for me. Being quiet was not something I was good at and Aleks was sleeping. I slowly maneuvered my way through the silent house in a successful attempt at not making a sound. Of course it was too good to be true, I closed the door and it slammed shut with a sound that shook the whole house. If Jordan didn't wake him, he was bound to be awake now.
    Small talk was made on our journey to the office, mostly about how I was feeling and the weather. It seemed weird making small talk with someone I seemed to once be very good friends with. I felt as though it was my fault. We were so close that people used to ship us but now we could hardly strike up a conversation. It shocked me how different this was compared to how we were in videos together.
    When we got to the office everyone greeted me kindly and they were all very welcoming. There were some people missing; Aleks (obviously), Seamus, Stephani and Kevin. But everyone else was there and seemed happy I was back.
    They all greeted me in their own ways; Dex gave me a bro-hug sort of thing, Dan waved and told me how good it was to have me back, Spencer and Joe got the camera and pranked me with some liquid ass, Sly screamed and shouted and it continued on. They all had their own ways of showing their appreciation of my return.
    During the day we filmed a few videos and pranked a few people. Jordan decided to cancel 'Creature Talk' that night so we could go out and 'celebrate' my return.
After rounding everyone into the office stream room we began debating what we wanted to do.
    "I think we should go out for a drink.", Aleks slipped his thought into the conversation.
    "You only think that because you're an alcoholic, Aleks.", Dex exclaimed.
    "I'm not an alcoholic. I just enjoy a drink every so often.", he responded making everyone laugh, except me as I had no idea what they were talking about.
    "Well I for one think we should go bowling.", Jordan stated excitedly after the laughter died down.
    "Yeah we should go bowling.", giggled the bearded latino.
    After a few minutes we had all decided we were going to go bowling and out to eat afterward.
    We had to split into two different groups as there was too were too many people to play one game. In my group there was Spencer, Stephani, Eddie, Bec, Aleks, Jordan and I. That left the remaining in the other group; Joe, Joe, Kevin, Seamus, Dex, Dan and Aron.
    It was a great night and we had a lot of laughs. It felt like I had never even lost my memory, everything was in place again - the order was fufilled.

Yeah so extra update for Christmas as I'm in a good mood. It's not a lengthly chapter but I just wrote the next one and it's about twice as long.
This was just a filler sorta thing to move on in the story. Much more stuff going on in the next one.
Also I have a question to ask you; Do you prefer to actually read the interactions between people or just James' thoughts and emotions? I have been trying to do a mixture of both but I wanna know what you like. Would you have rather read everything that happened when they went bowling and out for food or just have it the way it is? Tell me somehow.

Anyway, merry Christmas. See you soon.

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