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Aleks was sick and it made him a little bitch. Kevin nearly dies and he's still doing shit for himself, but when Aleks gets the cold I have to become his fucking slave. I mean I don't mind being his slave - but that's different.

I had been being his butler for like a week and to be honest it pissed me off but I kinda wanted to take of him at the same time. He wasn't my boyfriend so I didn't get help him in all the ways I wanted to, or give him all the things I would like to while he was unwell. I wanted to make him food and cuddle in bed with him while we watched shitty movies that I didn't actually like but pretened to because he did. I couldn't do that though, not yet.

"James!", I heard a familiar voice yell from upstairs.

I tried to ignore him but he just yelled more and more. "What the fuck do you want?", My words flew through the walls like a bullet that had just been fired from a 'Glock-18 Bunsen Burner', or as Aleks likes to call it 'a curse'.

"I need food.", was his response. Asshole.

I decided on making some spaghetti because Kevin and I could have some aswell and it wouldn't go to waste if Aleks was fussy. When I went to the kitchen to begin making it, Kevin was already there. He wasn't doing anything, just standing there.

Not knowing if it was acceptable to scare him yet I tapped him on the shoulder and said his name to take him out of his blank. He jumped and spun around to look at me. "What?", he asked seeming pissed at me from waking him from his daydream.

"Uh... I'm making spaghetti for Aleks and I... Do you want some?", I was at a loss for words not thinking he would react the way he did.

"Sure. I'll be in my room.", and with that, he walked off to a destination that I assumed to be his room.

They acted like teenage boys, I swear to god they did. It was as if I was their carer or something; looking after them when they were sick, making them food, making sure they made their videos like it was their homework in high school and more. Fucking children.

Making spaghetti is a pain in the fucking ass - especially having to clean up after it - but I would do that later. Aleks would complain if his food was cold and I was a lazy asshole so it would be better to do it later.

"Here's your food asshole. Want me to chew it and swallow for ya too?", I asked sarcastically.

"No thanks, I think I got that covered.", he replied with a slight chuckle at my sarcastic humour. I was actually hungry so part of it was a genuine question but he didn't, and didn't have to know that.

I began to walk out the door when a question was thrown at me. "Where are you going? Stay.".


Short chapter but I wanted to get another one out because I'm an asshole and really bad at writing and uploading. I'm sorry that iit took so long.

I have a definite ending that I want and I had a vivid outline of the start but getting to there is just kinda being plated by ear, which I don't particularly like. Do you guys like it this way or should I plan the whole chapter out before I write it?

I'm just going to put a chapter out as soon as I finish it because I don't see the point in me having a schedule when I won't be able to keep to it. Exams and revision are frying my brain at the moment so motivation is hard to find but I'm trying.

That wee NovaHD moment at the end made me happy so you're stuck with a cliffhanger. Sorry, not sorry.

Seeya next time fuckers.

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