Chapter 3: Release Your Inhibition

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Sorry I've been so MIA. Expect regular updates!

By the way, Club Anaconda is not based on a real life club, i created this one from my own mind haha. Enjoy Loves


Southside. Pittsburgh, PA.

This is my favorite part of town. You could practically feel the energy in the air. People moved everywhere. While others were going to sleep, this area was just waking up. I had parked my car a few blocks back and was making my way to a particularly lively club.

Now lets get something straight, I'm not a clubber. Matter of fact, I've never even been to a club before. My social life was kind of pathetic. Cassidy and her friends always went to the clubs, but I was always too nervous to go. Nothing's stopping me from having fun tonight though. The black lights and the heavy bass were like a rope, slowly curling around me and tugging me towards the entrance of Club Anaconda. A sign by the door caught my eye.

"21 and over"

Shit. I didn't have a fake ID. There's no way I could get in. The bouncer spotted me and an uncomfortable smirk crossed his face.

"Doesn't apply to pretty little ladies like yourself," he cooed, "come on in."

Pulling back the curtain, the bouncer revealed a sea of grinding bodies and sparkling lights.

Every bone in my body told me not to go in, yet that imaginary rope wasn't about to give up.

I found myself walking in against my better judgement.

Sweaty bodies hit me at once. I could barely make out who was who. Flashes of faces surrounded me as the music blared. I spun around and around trying to right myself.

"Loosen up baby!" some guy hollered in my ear, grabbing my ass.

I gave the hardest shove I could against the douchebag and pushed through the people around me. Thank god I had my combat boots on, not heels. A menagerie of bottles that appeared to be a bar caught my eye and I navigated myself to a nice cushioned stool. I had only been here what? Five minutes? And I already had a headache. I checked my phone, 10:05. I would only stay here for a few more minutes then get out. The barista leaned over towards me, letting it all hang out.

"You look like you need something sweet darling," she said, beginning to pour many different kinds of booze into a heavy glass.

"I'm sorry, I'm don't have an ID," I yelled over the music, eyeing up the suspicious concoction.

"It's on the house of course!" She winked, sliding me the glass.

Once again, my gut screamed no. But it's just one drink. It's not too big. I can handle a drink but nothing after it. I sucked down the sweet mixture. So many different fruity flavors settled on my tongue, while the vodka sent a warm fire down my throat. A tiny laugh bubbled out of my mouth and I chugged the rest of the wonderful drink. I slid out to the dance floor and threw my hands in the air. We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus came on and everybody cheered. I threw my hands in the air and swayed to the beat. The warmth from the drink stayed in my body. I welcomed the unfamiliar bodies and moved with the rhythm of others. Somehow another drink found its way into my hand "on the house". This one was a hard liquid, no sweetness. It left my mouth burning in such a great way. My body felt loose like water. I let the beat carry me away.

Hands pulled me this way and that way. I was back at the bar. The barista was now replaced by a man. He smirked like the Bouncer at the door and slid me another drink. My hands wrapped around the glass. I peered in at the green mix and thought I saw some sort of powder settled on top.

"It's just sugar no worries, sweetheart!" The man reassured me, a strange smile appearing on his previously intense face.

"I think I'm good," I replied, preparing to leave the bar. The man grabbed my wrist.

"C'mon sweetheart." he said forcefully.

"Fuck off!" I yelled trying to rip my wrist out of his grip.

He let go with another fake grin. He leaned over towards me.

"How about an Iced Tea then," he smiled.

"Okay then," It was just an iced tea, no worries.

I suppose he seemed like a nice enough guy, my mind told me. I chugged the iced tea he gave me gently. Another fire erupted in my throat. My head spun. It was spiked. Vodka or rum thoughts were muddling together. I adjusted my skirt and entered the sea of people again. The cool air was my guide as I searched for the door. I needed to find a new club.


I'm finally back:) expect many new updates! Shit is about to come down.

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I have big ideas with this story so please please help me get word out! I'd love to share it with my fellow wattpaddies:)

Love, Hannah xoxo

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