Chapter 4

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I wake up to hear my stomach growling. I look over to my right, to see that Devin wasn't in bed. "Hmm..Where is he? I hope he brings back breakfast." I thought. I grab my phone off the nightstand and check my phone. I got 3 voice mails, 2 from Alexa and 1 from Devin.

(Voicemail 1)
Bestie🙄❤️: I went to your house and you didn't answer the door. Where are you?
(Voicemail 2)
Bestie🙄❤️: FaceTime me when you can, you're scaring me
(Voicemail 3)
Devin: Hey babe, just wanted to tell you I'm on the way to the gym. Oh and I left some IHop in the fridge. See ya later

"I guess I'll call Alexa right now," I decided.

Bestie🙄❤️: Facetiming....Not available
Bestie🙄❤️: Facetiming....Not available
Bestie🙄❤️: Facetiming....Not available Bestie🙄❤️: Facetiming....connecting.....

Alexa: "Where are you?" She screamed.
Me: "I'm in Washington"
Alexa: "Um why? You didn't check in with me before you left"
Me: "I didn't really have much time to talk to you, Devin had to leave not too long after the game ended."
Alexa: "Well when do I get to see you again?"
Me: "I don't know, I'll text you when I'm back home though...unless you're coming here"
Alexa: "Nah, I can how's it going with Devin?"
Me: "Um, we're dating now," I said smiling.
Alexa: "You guys barely know each other..."
Me: "True but who wouldn't say no to him"
Alexa: "True," she said, laughing.
Me: "Change your lock screen and home screen to something else because he's mine now"
Alexa: "I know, I know...I need a new celebrity crush now"
Me: "You'll find one"
Alexa: "Yeah, there's a lot of cuties that play basketball"
Me: "So how's life in Arizona?"
Alexa: "You should know because you literally just left, but it's left me all alone"
Me: "You have other friends"
Alexa: "But your more fun. You actually get me"
Me: "Talk to them anyway"
Alexa: "Do I have to?"
Me: "If you wanna have fun then yes"
Alexa: "Fine...bye sis"
Me: "Bye"

call ended...

"Finally, I can eat!" I said while going into the fridge to eat. After I finished my food, I went out into the living room area to watch TV. I couldn't find anything to watch, so I just ended up channel surfing for half an hour. After that, I decided to FaceTime Devin. "I hope he's not driving," I thought to myself.

Devin: Facetiming....connecting.....

He answered quicker than I thought.

Devin: "Hey, what's up?"
Me: "Nothing, I'm just bored"
Devin: "I'm about to come back to the hotel so we can go shopping"
Me: "*gasp* Yay! Wait but you don't need to spend money on me"
Devin: "I want to"
Me: "*sigh* Fine, see you soon"
Devin: "Bye"

call ended...

"I need to get dressed," I said to myself. My outfit was a tank top, a cardigan, leggings and uggs. A couple of minutes after I finished getting ready, I hear the hotel room door open. "Hey Dev," I yell while looking in the bathroom mirror. "Who's Dev?" He asks. "You, duh," I answer. "I don't like that nickname," he said with a look of disgust. "Fine, but I'm still gonna call you that," I say smiling. "Ready to go to the mall?" He asked. "Yes" I said.

                 ***skipping the car ride***

We finally made it to the mall. "Can we run to the entrance?" I asked, getting out the car. "Why?" He asked in return, furrowing his eyebrows. "I wanna see who's faster," I said smiling. "What if we get hit by a car?" He asked. "It's fine. That's why we have hospitals," I answered. "Ok then what if one of us dies?" He asked. "Then we'll die together. I just wanna hurry up and go shopping," I said tugging on his arm. "But babe, I don't wanna run," He groaned. "It'll only be for a couple of seconds..." I mumbled. "I would run with you but my muscles are tired from workouts today," He said, softly. "Aw okay, we'll walk," I said.

When we got into the mall Devin told me that he didn't want to be out for long and wanted to go back to the hotel at 6:00, it was currently 5:10pm. We went into into GAP first... I got 2 outfits there. Next I was on my way to Bath & Body Works but on the way there we passed Victoria's Secret. "Ooh I'm going in there, would you be comfortable in there," I asked. "Yeah, it's fine," he replied.

When we walked in, everyone stared. "Omg you guys are soooo cute!!!" One girl screamed. Next thing I know a whole crowd of girls start running towards us trying to take pictures. "Run!" Devin screamed. We both sprinted out to the parking lot, straight to Devins car. He unlocked the car door and and then we started driving back to the hotel.

                 ***skipping the car ride***

When we got back to the hotel Devin told me to go in the bathroom to put on something comfy so I put on one of his shirts and a pair of my sweatpants. He also told me not to come out until he says I can, so I did. I heard a lot of shuffling and whispers outside the bathroom door. "Come on out, babe," He yelled. I walked out to see a blanket fort with Christmas lights hung up under it. "Devin are you under there?" I asked. "Yup," He answered.

I crawled under the tent and laid on my stomach next to Devin. "Did you do all of this?" I asked amazed. "Yeah, with help though," He said. "So Booker, what are the plans for tonight?" I asked. "We're gonna watch movies and eat pizza," he said with a smile. "Where's the pizza?" I asked. "It's on it's way, what do you wanna watch?" He asked me. "I don't know...something scary," I said. "Ok, how about paranormal activity?" He asked. "Sure, " I replied.

Some time l later, we heard a knock at the door. Because I was so scared of the movie I jumped when I heard the knock. "Aww you're scared," Devin cooed while getting up to go get the pizza. "Yeah, a little" I said while hugging a pillow nearby. "No, a lot," He said while laughing and coming back to the tent with the pizza. "Whatever..." I said. Devin put the pizza box on the floor and opened it. "I'll take half and you take half?" He asked. "Yeah," I said. We ate all of the pizza in like 5 minutes tops. "I didn't know a short person could eat so much," Devin joked. "I was hungry," I said, shrugging my shoulders. A few minutes later, the movie was starting to get even more scary. "Dev, can we cuddle? I'm scared," I asked, frowning. "Of course," He replied, wrapping his arms around me. I felt better. We continued to watch the movie until we both fell asleep.

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