Chapter 10

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I splash some cool water on my face, wipe my face with a towel, and go back downstairs. "You okay?" Devin asked when he heard me walking down stairs. "Yeah, I'm fine," I answered. "You don't sound okay..." He said turning around. "You look kind of tired or sad..." He said while walking towards me. "I'm fine..." I said walking towards the couch. I felt arms around my waist. "Be honest Brianna," He said softly. "I'm okay, I'm just not feeling good right now," I said kind of annoyed. "Alright," He said with a sigh. He kissed my cheek and let me go.

I sat down on the couch directed all my attention to the TV, waiting for the movie to start. Devin stared at me a while before going to get the remote to turn the movie back on, I swear I heard him mumble "somethings up with her..." After that he sat down on the couch and put his arm around me. I didn't snuggle up to him like I usual do though. When he got the idea that I didn't want to be bothered, he removed his arm from me me.

***A few hours of ignoring Devin***

My door bell rang so I get up to answer the door. "Hey birthday girl!" Alexa says while giving me a very tight hug. I pull away from the hug, "Hey," I say with a small smile. She frowned, "What's wrong...why are you sad?" She asked. "I'm not sad," I replied. "Then why do you look and sound sad?" She asked. When I didn't answer she sighed, "We'll talk about this later," She whispers. "Hey Devin," she said. "Hey," He said, not turning around.

"Alright, you ready to party?" Alexa asked excitedly. "Sure," I said blandly. "Bye princess," Devin said. I tried not to melt when he called me princess. "You're just gonna stay here?" I ask. "For a while, I'm gonna go to the pet store before I leave. Then I'll be off to Indiana," He said, sounding just as sad as me, even though I'm not sad. "I hurt my baby's feelings," I thought. "Okay," I said while leaving.

I got into Alexa's car. "What was all that about? You both sound so boring and gloomy, I don't like it" She said. "I'm acting," I answered.

***after the car ride***

"We're going roller skating!" I say. "Yup, because I know it's your favorite thing to," She said. Me and Alexa walk in and go to get our roller skates. "I'll have a size 9 please," I say. The curly headed boy behind the counter disappeared to go and get my roller skates. "Here you go," He said while handing me the skates. "Thanks," I say while grabbing the skates, next looking for a place to sit so I can put them on.

***after the roller skating party***

"Bye," I waved to my friends. I walked back to Alexa's car. I got in and turn on my phone.

2 Text Messages

Devin😊: I got all the dog supplies you need for your new puppy, I set his cage up and everything
Devin😊: Earlier you were acting weird, what's up?
I didn't feel like answering his question so I just replied to his first text.
Me: Ok
Devin😊: You didn't answer my question
Me: Don't wanna talk about it...
Devin😊: Why? You know you can tell me anything
Me: I just don't want to...
Devin😊: Ok sorry for asking :(
Me: It's fine
I feel so bad for doing this to him. "Are you texting Devin?" Alexa asked while getting in the car. "Yeah," I answer. "I thought you were ignoring him," She questioned. "I am, kind of," I reply.

***skipping the car ride***

"Thanks for throwing me a fun birthday party, bye" I said while giving Alexa a hug. "No problem," She said. I got out of her car and walked to my house door, unlocked it and went inside. I checked on Tyson and went upstairs to my room to take a shower. After my shower, I put my pajamas on and brought Tyson upstairs. We laid together and watched TV for a while.

1 Text Message

Devin😊: Baby, you're making me feel bad because you're sad and I'm not there to make you feel better :( The game is about to start. I can't focus
Me: Sorry to hear that
Devin😊: Can you at least watch the game on TV? I'll feel better
Me: I'm too tired, I'll look at the score in the morning. Goodnight and good luck
Devin😊: Night baby, I hope you're much happier in the morning
I put Tyson back in his cage, walked to my room, and went to sleep.

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