Chapter 7

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I woke up in the middle of the night with really bad stomach pain, aka cramps. It was that time of the month again, wonderful, that was sarcasm by the way. I went into my bathroom to get some Advil, but guess what, I didn't have anymore. I grabbed my keys and walked out to my car in my pajamas. I put the key in the ignition, and turned the key but the car didn't start up, it needed gas. "Could this night get any worse," I thought.

I went back in my house I tried to think of a solution to my problem. I could walk to the gas station but the closest gas station is 5 miles away, you're crazy if you think I'm walking that far. I could call Alexa but knowing her she wouldn't answer or she wouldn't bother to get up. The last person I had in mind was Devin, but I'm gonna feel bad for asking him to get up when it's so late. Oh well, if I want to stop the pain then I have to ask.

Devin😊: Calling....Not available
Devin😊: Calling....Not available
Devin😊: Calling....Not available
Devin😊: Calling....Not available
Devin😊: Calling....

Devin: "Hello?"
Me: "Hey, sorry for waking you up...Can you do me a huge favor?"
Devin: "Maybe"
Me: "Please? It's important"
Devin: "Fine"
Me: "Thanks you so much, I need you to go the a store and get me some Advil"
Devin: "...Why couldn't you do this?"
Me: "My car needs gas, the nearest gas station is too far for me to walk...oh and speaking of gas, can you bring me some?"
Devin: "Okay babe, do you need anything else?"
Me: "Some snacks?"
Devin: "Got it, I'll be over soon"
Me: "Okay, see ya"
Devin: "Bye"

call ended...

Since I was going to be waiting for a while I turned on my bedroom light and played games on my phone. 10 minutes later I heard a knock at my door. Went down stairs and opened the door. I let him Devin in and closed the door. "Hey babe, do you have a headache? Are you okay?" He asked while giving me a hug. His voice was still kind of raspy because he just woke up. "Yeah I'm fine, just women problems" I simply said, while reaching for the bag in his hand, but he held it up the the air so I couldn't reach it. It's kind of hard to reach things when 6'6 man is holding something in the air."What women problem?" He asked, still holding the bag in the air. I attempted to jump up for the bag, but I still couldn't reach.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "If you want me to help you, then yes," He answers. *sigh* "Fine I'll tell you if you give me the bag first," I said. "Hm, okay," He said while lowering the bag. He stopped halfway. "You promise?" He asked me. "Yup," I replied. He gave me the bag so I ran upstairs as fast as I could to my room.

I heard Devin running after me, but then I heard a loud thud and an "Ow." I stopped running and turned around to see that Devin fell back down the stairs. "Omg are you okay?" I asked while laughing. "Oh you think that's funny, huh?" He said while getting up. I began running again. I ran to my room, closed the door and then locked it. After I locked the door I heard another thud against the door and another "Ow." I giggled. "You still think it's funny...You wanna know what's funny?" He asked. "What?" I replied. "I hit my head twice, haha so funny," He said seriously. I began to feel sorry that I laughed at him.

I put the bag on my nightstand and walked towards my bedroom door. I opened it to see Devin sitting on the floor. I held my hand out to help him up, even though we both knew I couldn't lift him up. He took my hand and tugged on my arm until I fell into his arms. "Are you ticklish?" He asked. "Nope" I replied. "You sure?" He asked. "Yes," I answer. "Alright, so can I expect you not to laugh when I do this," He said while starting to tickle me. I went into a laughing fit. Eventually he stopped.

I got up, walked in my room and sat on my bed, Devin did the same. "I'm sorry for laughing at you while you were in pain. I didn't mean it," I said, beginning to feel sad. "It's okay, can you tell me what the woman problem is now?" He asked. "I'm going through my menstrual cycle" I said. "Huh?" He said. "I'm bleed out my vagina, Devin" I said, rolling my eyes. I reached to get Advil out of the bag. "Ohh why didn't you want to tell me?" He asked. "Most guys get disgusted when they hear about periods so I didn't wanna bring it up, can you get me some water?" I said. "Of course," He said while getting up.

While I waited for my water, I took out the snacks he brought me. He brought chocolate and gummy worms. Devin came back upstairs with my water and gave it to me. "Thanks," I said, smiling. "It's no problem," He said while getting in my bed, under the blankets. I took the Advil and drank the water. "Um what are you doing?" I asked Devin. "I'm getting comfortable..." He said. "Did you get gas?" I asked. "I put it in your car already," He said. "Oh, thanks," I said I said while laying down next to him.

"So how long are you staying here?" I asked while eating a gummy worm. "As long as you need me to," He answered. We ate candy, cuddled and talked until it was 2:30am. "Ok I'm ready to go to sleep," I said. "Alright, goodnight," Devin said while getting up. He walked over to my side of the bed and kissed my forehead. "Love you," He said while turning my light off. "I love you too," I said back. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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