Chapter 12

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I woke up to Devin kissing my cheeks. "Get up sleepy head," He said. "Why can't we just stay in bed all day?" I asked while rolling away from gun. "Because I wanna spend time with you outside of the house," He answered. "Or you can spend time with me laying down in bed," I said. "Fine, I guess I'll just go to California without you since you only like chilling in bed," He said, getting up. "Today?" I asked getting out of bed to go downstairs. "No tomorrow, I wanna go so we can meet my favorite basketball team," He answered following me downstairs.

"I thought your favorite basketball team was the Suns," I said getting a pan out of the dishwasher. "Fine, my 2nd favorite basketball team," He said. "What team is it?" I asked, grabbing pancake batter. "I told you when we met, remember?" He asked, sitting down in on of the stools behind my island counter. "Not really, I'm sorry, babe," I answered while turning the stove on and putting the pan on the stove. "The Golden State Warriors," He said.

"Can I bring a friend?" I ask while turning towards him and smiling.. "Yeah," He answered while I poured the pancake batter into the pan. "Why were you smiling?" He asked. "Because Alexa has a huge crush on Klay Thompson," I replied. "Really?" Devin asked while getting up. "Yup," I said. Devin walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You want me to finish making the pancakes?" He asked. "If you know how to make them, sure," I answer. "Of course I know how to make pancakes, I'm a chef, our kids are gonna be eating good," Devin said while winking at me. "Just don't burn the house down," I said while kissing his cheek, I then walked upstairs to get my phone. I thought about telling Alexa about the trip to California, but I want to keep it a surprise.

I walk back downstairs with my phone to check on how Devin was doing with the pancakes. "They look good, I'm just waiting for the taste test," I said sitting behind the island counter. I let Tyson outside to use the bathroom and then brought him back in. A few minutes later Devin yelled out "Voila, pancakes are done." "Finally!" I said. He grabbed two plates, two forks, two knifes, and placed them on the table.

He used the spatula to place our pancakes on the plates. I took a bite, it was delicious. "Ya know, at first I doubted you but good job pretty boy, our future children will love your cooking," I said. "Well, thank you Mrs. Booker," He said while grinning. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat.

I put my plate and fork in the sink to wash them. After I finished, I walked in the living room and sat on the couch. A few minutes after Devin joined me in the living room. "So we definitely are going to see Klay Thompson and his buddies or nah," I ask. "Yes baby," Devin said laying down on the couch with his head in my lap.
Me: Pack your bags sis, we're going to Cali ;)

Bestie🙄❤️ would like to facetime....connecting.....

Alexa: "Why are we going to California"
Me: "Do you wanna go or not?"
Alexa: "Yes, I just wanted to know why"
Me: "I wanna go on a vacation with my best friend and boyfriend"
Alexa: "Aw okay, what are we doing when we get there?"
Me: "We haven't figured that out yet"
Alexa: "Oh, when are we leaving?"
Me: "Tomorrow if you don't take forever to get ready"
Alexa: "Shut up Bri"
Devin: "Woah calm down"
Alexa: "Did I just hear Devin?"
Devin: "I'm laying on my wife's lap"
Alexa: "Aw, Devin those posts from last night was too cute"
Devin: "Thanks"
Alexa: "*sigh* I wish Klay Thompson would make cute posts about me"
Devin: "You don't even know him"
Alexa: "In my imagination, I do"
Me: "Um, let's get back on topic"
Alexa: "How long are we staying?"
Devin: "Probably like 4 days"
Alexa: "Okay I'm gonna go and start packing"
Devin & I: "Bye"
Alexa: "Bye"

call ended...

"Finally she left," I say. "Do you not like her?" Devin asks. "I love her like family but she's kinda too boy crazy," I answered. "Are you boy crazy?" Devin asks. "No, I barely talk about boys. You were and still are the only guy I talk about," I say. "Aw," He cooed. "I love you," I said. "I love you too," He replied while leaning in towards me. Our lips touched slightly when Devin got a phone call. "He killed our vibe," Devin sighed, making me I giggle.

Devin: "Hello?"
Devin put his phone on speaker so I could hear.
D'angelo: "It's me..."
Devin: "Obviously, what do you want?"
D'angelo: "Why you mad?"
Devin: "I was busy"
D'angelo: "With?"
Devin: "Stuff"
D'angelo: "Ohh I know what you were doing"
Devin: "Tell me"
D'angelo: "You and your girl were fucking, why else would you be mad at me interrupting you"
Devin: "Wrong"
Me: "We aren't doing that yet"
D'angelo: "I don't know that, you could be lying"
Me: "Why are you calling anyway?"
D'angelo: "Me and Tiffany wanted to know if you wanna hang at your house again"
Devin: "Nah, we're good bro"
Me: "Why would I let you come over? You're just gonna make out on my couch again"
Tiffany: "We won't, I promise"
D'angelo: "Yeah, we promise"
Devin & I: "No"

call ended...

He hung up the phone and we went upstairs. "I'm gonna start packing," I said. "Ok, I'll go get my suitcase," Devin said. "You packed already?" I asked. "Yeah, I'be been planning to go for a while now," He answered. When Devin left I started packing. I kind of wanted to make the whole Klay Thompson meet up special for Alexa, so I decided to DM Klay about my plan after I was done packing.
Me: Hey, I'm one of Devin Bookers friends, he planned to do a special meet up with you on Thursday
Klay: Sup
Me: For the meet up I'm bringing a close friend of mine, who's a fan of course, I wanted to somehow make the meet up special for her, are you ok with that?
Klay: Anything for a fan"
Me: Okay great! I'm not gonna go into detail but if you make her feel special and maybe take a picture with her it'll make her day
Klay: Okay
Me: You lookin for a girlfriend?
Klay: Maybe...
Me: Maybe you might fall for her? :)
Klay: We'll see, I look forward to meeting you all. Have a good night
Me: Same to you
When I finished talking with Klay, I went to go take a shower, and put my pajamas on. After I got dressed, Devin walked in the room with his suitcase. "You could've kept that downstairs," I said getting into bed. "Yeah but now I don't feel like carrying it back down there," He said putting his suitcase next to mine. Devin took off his shirt and got into my bed. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked. "Yeah," I answer. Devin cuddled up to me. "This should be fun," I said. "Yeah, night babe," Devin said with a yawn. "Goodnight" I said, and then I fell asleep.

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