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Interesting how you remember some events in a weird foggy way, but others you remember so clearly it's like you're still living them.

I remember waking up in my hotel room that weekend morning so excited to meet Muse, my favorite band. Well, not meet them but seeing them in concert is like meeting them. Only there are thousands of other fans with you. But my best friend of ten years bought tickets for me as a 19th birthday gift and I couldn't be happier.

"Psst, Gordon. Wake up," I poked my friend who was in the bed next to me
"No," he grumbled
"Come on, we gotta go wait in line for the concert."
"The concert is at 8 tonight Macy, we have fourteen hours," Gordon rolled to the other side of the bed so he was away from me. I got out of my bed and laid next to him

"Come onnn stop being a butt," I said in his ear
"What are you going to do about it?"
"Push you off," I started pushing him off the bed and since he was wrapped in sheets he couldn't do anything about it.
"You're an ass," Gordon said from the floor
"I know! Now get ready!"

We were dressed and ready to go about half an hour a later and out the door into the streets of England. We grabbed something to eat for the day and were on our way to the stadium. It was a cold and cloudy day, which was odd because that wasn't in the weather report at all. It was supposed to be sunny with not a cloud in the sky. But nothing could bring down my mood.

Gordon and I got to the stadium and there were at least a hundred people already in line.

"See, we're not early. Now give me some food, feed the birthday girl." Gordon took the food out from the inside of his coat and handed me my order.
"Happy?" He asked
"Hell yeah I am. It's cold though," I pulled my coat tighter around me and huddled close to Gordon for warmth. As time passed and the sun came up, the line grew and the city was waking up.

Everyone was talking to each other as if we've known each other for our whole lives. I noticed birds acting strange, but I'm not an animal expert so how do I know if animals are acting strange or not? The line grew and grew and time passed slowly.

"Gordon I'm getting hungry aga-" when I said those words pizza men were swarming us and handing out pizza boxes.
"What were you saying?" Gordon asked me in a teasing way, "Oh I almost forgot part two to your gift," he unzipped his coat and showed the inside which were two limited access passes.
"Oh Gordon, you didn't!"
"Oh I did. Happy birthday Macy."

I hugged him as tightly as I could and said thank you as many times as I could. I guess I will be meeting Muse after all.

After many hours of waiting, we were finally going inside the stadium. The weather got colder and colder, I swear I thought I saw a spilled water bottle start freezing over. Just as Gordon and I were at the door, it started to pour rain. Employees ran out and lead them somewhere dry to wait to go inside.

"What the hell is up with the weather?"
"Yeah I thought it was supposed to be sunny and cloudless."
"Maybe its global warming."
"Maybe it's your mom."

I heard everyone inside talking about the rain but I shrugged it off. What's the big deal? It's just rain.

Soon enough, Gordon and I were in our seats hyped as hell. The crowd went absolutely insane when Chris, Matt, and Dom came on stage and even more wild when they started playing. Of course, I was waiting for Man with a Harmonica+Knights of Cydonia, which eventually came at the end.

"READY TO MEET THEM?" Gordon yelled into my ear

We weaved our way through the crowds but a man knocked me down. I landed on my back and hit my head on the ground.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" He helped me up, "I really am sorry." I looked him up and down. He's not bad, real talk and skinny and great hair. "Here, happy birthday!" The man handed me a small box.
"Um, thanks?" I said looking at the deep blue box with a white bow. When I looked up, he was gone.

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