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I heard everything Matt and Macy were talking about. I had no idea Matt had feelings for Macy, but how can she say that she's nothing to me? Well, I don't even know what she is to me but I know she's something special.

I went back to the music room and laid on a mattress thinking of what I'm going to do about this. I could tell Macy that she does hold a special place with me, but what if I get turned down? I'm Dominic Howard, I can take anything.

Macy came back with Sophie half asleep in her arms. She lowered the little girl down onto a mattress and covered her with an old blanket.

"She got tired out at Kelly's," Macy whispered
"Come here," I pat the space next to me and she sat down
"Remember what I said back at the building about you and Gordon pretty much saving our lives?"

She thought for a minute and nodded her head.

"I meant it. We would all be dead if it weren't for you, and the people here in this town you've built would be dead too. You're something special, Macy. You're special to me," I meant every word I just said and I braved myself for the worst
"Oh my-Dom!" Macy threw her arms around me for a hug and I fell back with her on top of me

"Woah okay. This is nice, we should do this more often," Macy saw the position we were in a quickly got off
"Um, sorry about that. You should get some sleep, I'll do my rounds of checking the wall."
"Yeah. Good night then."
"Good night."


I took Chris and Tom with me to check the wall. We had to go outside for this, make sure no outsiders were trying to take it down to get in. I used the screwdriver I was given so long ago to secure the metal we scrapped from the ship.

We were almost back to the entrance of the wall when we heard movement coming from behind us.

"Should we keep going?" Tom asked
"Yes and no. They can follow us straight to the entrance and get inside, we can't let that happen. We could walk slowly away from the entrance-" I was cute off my a woman screaming

"GO GO GO!" Chris ran to the scream and Tom and I followed getting our guns ready to shoot. A man and a woman came from around a corner of a crumbled home and to us looking terrified. We saw a group of at least ten outsiders not far behind them with their teeth out and looking hungry.

"FIRE!" I ordered and the three of us started to shoot. A few fell dead, some retreated, two more still kept coming. Chris shot the last two and we looked around for more.

"We need to head back. You three are with us, Chris lead the way." Chris went ahead and Tom and I kept our guard up. The two newbies followed us in silence until the man spoke up.

"Do you mind telling us where we are? Along with the year?" Stick Man asked
"Questions later. First we need you three to be tested, we'll go from there." I told them and they started whispering to each other
"I think you might have over shot Vegas a bit," Red Head whispered
"Yeah I get it I messed up," Stick Man admitted

"OPEN THE GATE!" Chris shouted making the newbies jump
"Sergeant Wolstenholme, tell your men to keep a sharp eye out, there might be a few outsiders lurking," I ordered
"Aye ma'am!" Chris saluted and three soldiers took the newbies to the testing room.

"Oi easy there!" The red head screeched
"Easy easy!" Stick Man yelled, "I don't like being handled!"

We reached the testing room and I had the men hold the newbies. I grabbed the razor and they looked at me confused as I drew blood from my arm.

I saw they hadn't reacted, "They're clean. Take them to high command."
"Aye ma'am!" They pushed them outside and started walking to the school. I followed after them and watched them squirm a little. When we walked inside, soldiers were standing outside their rooms and I spotted Dom and Matt who was holding Sophie. He passed her to Private Garcia and the two men walked beside me.

"You're dismissed," I said to the soldiers who helped me
"Thank you ma'am!" They left the room

"The two of you were outside the walls and don't seem to be prepared to defend yourselves. In fact, you don't look like you belong here at all," I interrogated, "What were you doing out there?"

"We're not supposed to be here, my ship crashed here and we came out to see what was around here. Do you mind telling us what year it is?" Stick Man rambled
"Right good good. Where are we?"
"Teignmouth, Devon, England. Are you okay sir?" I asked
"Fine perfect."

"Right well, what the hell were those things out there?!" Red head yelled
"We don't know what they are, we call them outsider for now. They kill everything they see, that's why we had to test you. They react to blood." Matt explained for me
"Like vampires?" Red head asked
"Oh no, they're not vampire. They don't just drink your blood. They rip your throat and guts out and eat you alive if they catch you."

Her face went pale but Stick Man remained the same, like he was thinking.

"Who are you?" I asked
"Donna Noble," the woman said
"I'm The Doctor."
I stepped back a bit, "Doctor who?"
"Just The Doctor."

"Oh my God, it's you! How did I not recognize you? You're the one who saved me from drowning!" Dom exclaimed
"I did? Must be in my future," he shrugged
"Wait! That means you're the one who gave me this!" I pulled the silver screwdriver out of my pocket and showed him

"I gave you a sonic screwdriver?" The Doctor asked
"Yes! The night this whole thing started six years ago on my birthday! You bumped into me, gave me a box with it inside with a list of things it's good for," I said trying to jog his memory
"Why did I give you a sonic screwdriver?"
"You said it could save lives. And it has. I used it to scrap the ship we came on and built our walls. It opened a door for us when we needed shelter and that's how we survived. You gave me a tool to save lives!"

The Doctor stared at us for a few seconds before snapping out of it and taking out his own sonic screwdriver. His looked the same but with a blue tip.

"Is that how you defend yourselves? You shoot them?" The Doctor asked
"Yes, it's the only way we can," Matt answered
"How can I give a sonic to murderers?" He asked coldly

"We didn't choose to kill them! They killed us!" I defended
"When I was knocked over board they said they did all this to kill the human race and now they're killing any survivors! This is all self defense, Doctor!" Dom spoke up. It's kind of hot when he gets angry.

"You could have tried," The Doctor persisted
"They started killing us! We weren't given a chance! Who are you to tell us how we handle a situation?"
"I'm The Doctor, I'm a man who has seen and lived long enough to know killing is never the answer."
"Well when you're race and planet is being slaughtered by vicious and cruel beings you know nothing about, come talk to me," I whispered harshly at him. He glared at me but Donna out a hand on his shoulder and pulled him away

"Daddy! Daddy!" I heard Sophie yelling
"What is it sweetie?" Matt asked and he jumped into her arms
"The bad guys are coming! I heard the guns and shouting!" Sophie started crying
"Shit, sound the alarm and get everyone to the bunker!" I yelled and grabbed my leather jacket and gun, "Take The Doctor and Donna with you! Dom, you're going too!"

"What? No way am I leaving you!" Dom argued
"Yes you are! It's my duty to protect everyone and that's what I'm doing." Dom looked at me sadly like he was going to cry and I handed him the leather jacket.
"Come back safe and alive," he whispered
"No promises," and I left

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