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I was the first awake. Macy was snoring softly with her head rested on my chest and hair covering her face. Even a sleepy drooling mess, she's beautiful. If what The Doctor says is true about remembering events if you're in the eye of the storm, then I don't want to forget Macy.

I moved my arm so I can brush hair out of her face and smiled when she started to wake up, which was adorable. She opened her eyes a little bit then rubbed them and stretched like a cat. Almost immediately she was wide awake.

"Good morning Mr. Howard," Macy greeted
"Good morning Ms...I don't know your last name."
"It's a secret. Sshhhhh...."

Macy climbed out of bed and went to the restroom saying she had to pee. Nice. It's a normal human thing but, I don't need to know.

"Oh man I've missed indoor plumbing. Soon we'll get the luxury back. We'll get everyone and everything back! Fresh food, clean water in a bottle, air conditioning, heating, I even miss the smell of smog!" Macy flopped back on the bed and sighed, "But first I should brush my teeth. With toothpaste!"

She ran out of the room like a kid hearing Santa just came. I got cleaned up myself and found the black uniform that was given to me was washed and smelled like lavender. Macy came back into my room with a huge smile.

"Donna made bacon! How long has it been since you've had bacon? Oh bacon I LOVE YA!" Macy ran down the hall again and when I found her, she was already eating two waffles, eggs, and bacon. Donna gave me a plate and told me to eat slow or I'll end up with a stomachache like Macy will.

"But it's soooooo good. I've been living off of fish and water for six years! How did I survive?" Macy said through a stuffed mouth
"Yeah you must have forgot manners too," Donna remarked. I started eating and felt so comforted by food.

"Where are Chris and Tom?" I asked
"They left early. Their jobs require early rising," Macy told me and cleaned her plate looking up to Donna with begging eyes for more
"You get fruit, you need energy. No wonder you were all so grumpy when we showed up, you didn't have nutritious meals!" God Donna sounds like such a mom. We finished our breakfast then went into the console room.

The Doctor wasn't in there, apparently the TARDIS has a lab too and that's where he was. We told Donna to tell him we went back to work and for him to call for us when he finishes. When we stepped out, we were in the music room already and Macy started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked
"We spent the night in a space ship! A space ship that belongs to an alien! We ate breakfast in an alien kitchen! We went back in time! Holy crap!" Macy kept laughing and shook her canteen
"Let's refill and get to work."


I went back in time. I went back in time. I went back in time and slept on a space ship. Everything went back to normal in town, almost as if last night didn't happen. Sophie was still with Kelly, and that's probably where she will be for the rest of our days in this hell. I can't bear to look at her after Matt died.

This morning we went out to fix the wall again. Chris and Tom went with me like usual. Dom was cleaning fish with this hunters since his purpose of being a night guard was to be with Matt, his next choice was a hunter. Nothing happened outside the walls so we were back inside in no time.

"Macy!" A small voice yelled and I felt small arms around my leg
"Woah, hey Sophie!" I kneeled down to hug her, so much for trying to make it easy on me
"I want a story," she whispered in my ear
"Okay, let's go inside then."

Sophie and I went inside command and into the room. She grabbed her rag doll and sat on the old worn out mattress.

"What story do you want to hear about?"
"I want one about daddy!" I stared for a couple seconds and saw how much she looks like Matt, just with blonde hair.
"Okay kid, how about when daddy, Uncle Dom and Uncle Chris were on a tv show?"

I told Sophie the story of when the three were on the Italian tv show looking like idiots. But the show had them mime so they did what they do best, putting on a show.

"And they hostess believed the lie they just told!"
"Can Uncle Dom sing?"
"Oh no. But Uncle Chris can, he has a beautiful voice. It can put anyone to sleep."
"Like the princess in your stories?"
"Oh yes."
"I want Aunt Kelly," she yawned
"Alright sweetie, let's go." I did what Sophie had requested and watched her go with a smile on her face, then it hit me. I'll never see Sophie again. I won't have someone to tell stories to.

I swallowed the knot I felt in my throat and went back to command. Lunch was coming up so people were lining up for their next meal of fish smoked over a fire in the back. I found Chris, Tom, and Dom in line and stood with them.

"You guys doing okay?" I asked
"I don't want fish again. I want a real meal," Tom whispered
"I know, I'm not sure if I can even stomach this after eating such a rich meal," Chris snickered

"Macy! Macy!" The Doctor's voice called and I saw him running down the hall with his coat flying behind him, "I've got it! I finally got it!"
"Oh thank the heavens we don't have to eat fish!"
"Come to the TARDIS, I'll explain there."

The Doctor walked us into the lab and showed us a series of charts and pictures.

"They're called Reelers. They were never meant to be on this planet, Reelers were meant to be on a planet called Equis. There was a meteor that came in when the earth had formed and that had the Reelers on it. When it crashed, it buried deep beneath the earth crust and that's where they've been for billions of years. Word got out that creatures were living on the planet they've had since the beginning, and they wanted it back-"
"And that's what the earthquakes and flooding was for..." Tom finished

"How do we fix it then? Can we fix it?" Asked Dom
"We're going back to the beginning."

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