Rant again?

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Should I just call this my diary cause that's what it fucking is.

So my mom has a boyfriend now and honestly I hate him. He isn't really openly rude to me but it's just the way he acts, I don't like it, it reminds me of how my dad was about 3 years ago.

Every night she calls him when we are on holiday and every morning and she doesn't talk to me she cuts me off to talk to him and I'm finding that really fucking disrespectful. She's been doing this a lot and doesn't notice how I get all quiet in the car, turn up my music and then for the rest of the day act angry and pissy to her.

I do the same with my dads girlfriend when he phones her, she's okay but can be a real bitch and I don't trust her in any way. If either calls my parents I get told to shut up and then I just retreat in on myself because being told to be quiet, to shut up because your point doesn't matter actually affects people after a certain amount of time I can only take so much of this.

Honestly my therapist thought I was crazy and told me herself because I see colours when I look at people and I can associate people in to groups by looking at them. I explained this to her and she just said "I think that you don't get a lot of sleep and this can make you think you see these things."
Really Bitch.

My mom is okay at times but mainly she spends her time insulting me or blaming everything on me.

Bag falls over? Emma's fault
Missing a train? Emma's fault
Being late for any event? Emma's fault
Smashed glass? Emma's fault

It's not just that but the fact that she will declare this out loud to every person who listens. Like she goes up to them and goes "I know look at the clumsy bitch, I swear she always does this, but what am I meant to do?"
Thanks a lot mom.
She also talks about selling me but I assumed that was a joke until she told my dad she wanted to sell me.

A shop assistant referred to me as being bambi and I just turned to my mom and said "Bambi's mother died, but I can't get that lucky."

She was pissed as fuck.

I just don't get her need to say to every person about how horrible I am.

If I can't decide on a food on a menu. (To the waiter) "we'll get there at some point god anytime now Emma Jesus fucking Christ"

If I fall. "God why are you such a clumsy bitch can you try not to cause a scene for once in your life Emma."

If I get a lot of food. (To server) "I know I know I should tell her to stop eating you can see the fat already. But that's her choice."

If I stand up for myself. (To shop assistant) "When can I sell this child she doesn't fucking learn does she, I can't wait until she goes to university, less money spent on her fat ass."

And people are surprised when I say I hate her.

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