Chapter-3: Confused

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It was night and Adriana was back in her favorite place. The backyard. Her day had been a long one and she needed to think about it all. She was a little confused about a seeming hole inside her. Something seemed to nibble at her insides. But the feeling was ever so slight.

Maybe i am just hungry. But i cant get food now. This is so irritating. I wonder if I have diarrhea or something. Even the sky today seems a bit dull. Maybe because i saw something much more interesting and infinite today.

The thought brought a smile to her face. But this was immediately followed by an intensified wave of grief as she remembered the kiss. As if to justify her emotions she thought-

I am just disgusted by how passionate they just transferred about 80 million bacterial germs. Nothing more nothing less.

Adriana had been a 'nerd' all her life. she did all her errands neatly and precisely. Got a lot of 'A's and answered every question hurled at her deftly. She could name all the parts of a human heart. And knew all about it. But did she really know her heart?

That area was one she was inexperienced in. The realm of love was like Atlantis for her. Like Atlantis, buried deep, in an ocean, of ignorance. And that is why a single encounter with a cupid's arrow, straight at her core, left her all stupefied.

She thought about Kim. All these years after she left her, Adriana had no friends for real; just classmates and acquaintances. Comparing 6-year-old Kim to 15-yer-old Kim was odd. She really did grow up.

Earlier she had been a girl with a cute round face and chubby body. Her eyes brown and big like puppies and her cheeks soft as butter. She used to clumsy and flash smiles all around. A cheery child whom everyone adored.

Now she was still someone whom everyone adored but not it the way they used to before. Her short hair now reached elbows now and she kept them straight as arrows. Locks decorated her forehead and played peek-a-boo with her still big eyes. Her jawline was perfect and her nose had turned sleek. She was a cheerleader so her body was something awe-inspiring.

She is beautiful, bubbly and socially efficient. There is not a single reason for people to not find her attractive. People must really like her...Sebastian must really like her.

She let a sigh escape and closed her eyes for a bit. But the universe didn't leave her as the closed eyes brought her the images of the other universe, the other blue infinity, of Sebastian. She liked it there. But so lost in thought, she completely missed a dark figure crossing the fence of the backyard posterior to her.

It ran silently all the way to her mat where she was lying. Soon he was looking down at her. He smiled a little seeing the girl, all innocent and unsuspecting. Lying there as the world on one side slept.

She is a beauty yet to be discovered! The figure exclaimed in his mind.

And then took out a piece of cloth from a pocket at the side.

Unaware of all this, Adriana, thinking of infinity and minds and those eyes, didn't have any hint of what was she was going to go through. Just when she reached the conclusion, I am in love with Sebastian, the hand came down upon her.

She tried to scream but the cloth on her mouth prevented that. Her nose was blocked too. It was getting difficult to breathe.

She was scared.

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