Chapter-10: Cemetery.

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When she had read the sign 'Cemetery' her curiosity had risen sharply. She had never been to one because there had been no need. But presently, her mind pushed her towards the iron gate. Its wide open jaws inviting her, luring her mind.

Although the cemetery was not really a very scary place, Adriana felt something cold running down her spine. She could see a stretch of green grass disturbed occasionally by tombstones, coffin guards, and crosses protruding out of the grass like wildflower. Her wary steps found their way through the meadow. The meadow housing the dead. This time she was really in a different realm; the realm of death.

As she walked further, she felt like an intruder, disturbing the sleepers with her mortal footsteps. Still her feet kept walking, her heart kept beating. She glimpsed at a group of people in a distance.

A funeral!

The group was huddled in a circle. There was a small raised podium. A pale lady in a black dress and hat, stood at one side. Adriana moved closer to observe more clearly and almost immediately regretted the decision. The person on the dias was mumbling and letting out dry sobs.

Adriana was now about an yard away from the gathering. Two of them turned and saw her. Their eyes glistened in the setting sun. Adriana decided to join the mob impulsively and diminished the one yard between the grave and herself. As she peered through two black shoulders, she could not see the coffin. She stood on her toes and looked down the freshly dug grave. Then she saw it. The coffin was purely white. The sides looked wavy and had some designs. In the middle of the coffin was a very beautiful cross. It was carved with great skill. But something was wrong. Something was unusual. She realised it in a flash.

Oh no!

The coffin was not the usual size. It was about one-third the normal. Made of polished white wood, it gleamed in the grave. The woodwork was exquisite and detailed. It was sized for a child.

She crept closer to the speaker on the dias and listened to her dry lifeless body tell about Mike. Mike who was very bright, Mike who was very cute, Mike who loved every living being, Mike who loved her cookies, Mike who was four years old, Mike who got crushed under a truck, Mike, who was her son. Tears came threateningly close to the brim and he bit her bottom lips.

When the speech was over, she saw Mike's mother place a white teddy bear on the white coffin. Someone else placed a velvet red rose. The Rose almost shone on the coffin and then with an almighty wail that could have pierced the heart of even Satan, she threw in the first shovel of earth over her son, her own self.

Adriana couldn't look anymore. She turned and ran towards the church, or rather where she thought it was. It was getting darker and she just kept running with tears in her eyes. A few moments later, she realised she was lost. Her mind immediately started closing down with panic and she shivered at the thought of being lost alone in a cemetery at night.

She kept walking and frantically looked around for help. She noticed with horror that a man in a black overcoat was striding briskly towards her. His face dark under the shadow of a hat. Adriana's mind immediately flooded with terror and she started walking and then running away from the man. The man started running as well. He showed every evidence of following her.

Adriana looked left to right, desperate for an escape, she finally noticed the spire of the church peeking from behind the line of trees at her right. She abruptly changed her direction and started running towards the church. She could still feel the man's shoes hitting the grass and the movement in the air. Her mind did the worst possible thing and played and replayed in her mind all the instances of kidnappings and murders she had ever heard.

It's so close! Just a little bit more! I have to get out of her-

Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by a hand grazing past her shoulder. The man was now within a feet of her and was trying to grab her shoulder. Adriana ran as hard as she could. Her lungs begged for air, her heart begged for rest, her legs begged her to stop and she begged her body to run faster. A hand grabbed her hand and pulled her to a stop. She jerked her hand furiously but the grip was very strong. She pulled with all her might and the man fell with her on the grass. She started hitting the person at random with her still free hand as a last resort at saving herself.

"Adriana it me! It's me! Stop hitting me! Ouch!"

Adriana stopped. The voice sounded familiar. The face looked familiar too. And so did the hazel eyes.
Adriana's cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

"That is like, umm, your second attempt at abducting me Alec."

He chuckled.

"Now could you get off me please? You are not very light," she added.

He shifted his weight and helped her up on her feet. She felt a little dizzy. Adrenaline still making her heart pump hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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