Chapter-9: The Church.

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"He's dead." she had said. And then nothing. She just stopped speaking, stopped living, stopped existing.

Adriana felt guilty. And on top of that she was stunned. Stunned by the answer. She could never have guessed. Her mind had asked for answers to many questions but at that moment her body had refused to cooperate.

I could never have guessed. She is so spontaneous and sarcastic all the time.

"Adriana dear, hurry up. We have to leave." The words came from her mother. Adriana suddenly remembered that she had to go to the church.

"Yes mom!" Getting up from her bed, she quickly dressed up in a long skirt with a full sleeved waist shirt and left her blonde hair free. She felt a little excited because the last time she had been to the church was when she was 4. In all these years, she was too busy to think of doing anything else than grades.

Once ready, she went downstairs and called her mother. And then, they set out together for greeting the son of god.

"It took you so long!" Adriana's mom, Mary, complained as she locked the door. "I almost left without you."

Adriana didn't say anything. Her mind was still imagining ways in which Duke may have died. She just hoped he wasn't hanged or something.

The church was only about half a mile from her home so they walked; passing houses, Dobby the pug, and some known faces. What bothered Adriana was that no one of her own kind could attract her attention. Only Dobby, who seemed to be very excited to see her, caught her eye. Adriana bent down when she saw the little creature and he licked all her hand with a tiny pink tongue and danced around her much to his owners annoyance.

Soon she could see the tall spire with a cross at its top. She never understood why the cross was glorified so much.

The cross should be hated. After all it killed the person who is worshiped. Or maybe, it is glorified so that we can remember his pain and sacrifice. Maybe...

Her thoughts were interrupted when the church came into view. The spire reached high into the sky and in front of its base was a shed like building. The most striking feature of the building was a window. The window covered most of the front wall. It was painted in bright colors and had a mural of Jesus Christ. Red, yellow, blue, brown, purple, pink, green.

They entered the church through a high arch door below the window. And as soon as she stepped inside, she felt as if she had been transported to a different realm. The atmosphere inside could be described as the epitome of calmness. A soft hum of music prevailed in the air and Adriana felt her body slowing down, forgetting time.

She and her mother sat on one of the many brown benches. And some time passed. It may have been a minute or an hour. Adriana didn't care. Mary got up and called her daughter.

"Lets go now."  She said softly.

"You go mom. I will be just behind you."

Mary smiled. Her daughter was growing up. When she had brought her the first time, she had been restless to leave. "This is boring!" She had complained loudly in her childish voice. But now she seemed to enjoy the peace around.

"OK, just don't be too late."

Adriana waved goodbye to her mother and when she was gone, took off her flip-flops and lifted her legs onto the seat. She stared at the statue of the Son of God and observed him. His eyes glinted from the light of the candles in front of him. Flowers surrounded him. Adriana's grandma had told her on several occasions that he heard every plea if you asked with your heart. She pictured the face of the jolly boy she had seen in the photos. Then she mentally talked to god through her heart.

I wonder if you can really hear me. But if you can, I pray for Duke's peace. Where ever he is. I want him to know that his sister is okay and he need not worry about her because I have it all under control. And tell him that I really wish I could know him. Please...

Satisfied, she put on her flip-flops. She turned around to a breathtaking sight that took over her senses. The setting sun, filtering through the window, spilled colour on the wooden floor. It looked thousand times beautiful. She walked to the pool of colours and watched her skin immediately became art. She lifted her palm and tried to feel the colour. The warmth of the sun soaked inside her skin, to her soul. God shone on her. She swirled around once, watching the shades play on her hands and long skirt. Then she saw some people looking at her and smiling and blushed red and bowed a little. She felt young and light, free. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out the door; a little wiser than the time she entered.

Worth it.

She was going to start for home when her eyes fell on a sign. Her curiosity rose and she followed its arrow. It took her to the back of the church. An open iron gate stood firm. There was a board on its top and beyond it was a green plain.

The sign said Cemetery.


So the church thing may be a little weird. But it is based on true feelings because I felt that calmness and "different realm" feeling when I went to one. It was so AWeSome!

And a cliffhanger again... Teeehehehe.

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