4 • Like the Circles That You Find in the Windmills of Your Mind

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Triplex, Lounge & Bar

It sounded like a hit when it was first established but really, it was a rundown bar in the middle of god knows where just as abandoned as the old chapel.

It was located between a couple of old souvenir and flower shops, and a little casino that is being turned into a diner. It was a wreck!

And it was also the only place that would hire Frank.

It wasn't the best of jobs but it payed the rent and shut his land lady up. Wrinkly bitch. It also payed for his cigarette packs and cable television.

There was a jazz band that played four times a week. Lucky for Frank he sang pretty well and was offered twenty bucks an hour to strain his voice for entertainment purposes, and Frank was damn near desperate. And if he was lucky they'd pay him a little extra to sing sensual, dirty songs when lovers would get up to dance. A god damn wreck this place was.

Frank stood behind the mic and tenaciously groped the stand so hard his knuckles started to turn white. He swallowed hard and looked up at the crowd, at the familiar faces, regular customers, and secretive;horny strangers who tilted their hats to shield their perverted smirks.

Frank was pulled out of his thoughts when the trumpet sounded. It started in G major with the gorgeous song "I Who Have Nothing" by Ben E. King. The lights dimmed and the crowd fell silent. Frank licked his lips and cracked his knuckles once more before he caressed the mic and fluttered his eyes shut.


He sang with such passion, indeed he did, as his hips swayed with the music. Passion like his was too sensational to pass unnoticed, and in fact it didn't. Frank came to notice this when something, or rather, someone fell into his peripheral.

The stranger's fingers danced along the rim of his now empty glass of scotch. His smirk was clearly visible, but it was not one of a pervert, not even a lustful one at all. Frank came to a realization that he'd been staring at the stranger for a while now and that'd the song he'd been singing was coming to an end. Once it did the perverts cat called and the customers applauded, but the stranger hadn't moved once.

Frank had a ten minute break and mustered up the courage to ask the stranger to dance with him. "You like that song eh? I saw the way you swayed to it and thought maybe you'd like to dance with me? Whaddaya say?"

"You never fail to astonish me Frankenstein, you never told me you sang" his low voice erupted out of his mouth and reverberated around Frank's now stiff body. But astonished little Frankie decided on playing it out nicely

"As do you Dr. I didn't think you were much into jazz either. Say, what brings you to this side of town anyhow?"

Gerard shook the drink in his hand causing the remaining ice cubes to clink against the glass. He set it down and made a clicking noise with his teeth "How's about that dance sweet-cheeks."

"Someone's a little lonely tonight, huh?"

Frank put his hand out for Gerard to take and swiftly turned around, leading his doctor to the main floor, making sure to give Gerard a great view of his cute little ass, which Gerard enjoyed quite a bit.

"Ay Mikey, how's about a little Etta James?"

"Sure thing Frankie"

Frank turned Gerard around and brought him closer by the waist. Revenge was something Frank was going to get, and he was going to get it good. As "Only Time Will Tell" began to play, Frank seductively slid his hands down his chest and just above his belt. The bar was sort of empty now, but the people who were there were to drunk to even remember they're own names.

Frank trailed his fingers up his stomach as he mouthed the lyrics and annunciated every letter.

Gerard, beginning to understand what Frank was doing, slid his hands onto Frank's waist sliding them down to grope Frankie's ass. He rubbed and massaged his cheeks as they swayed on the dance floor.

Frank ran his hands up Gerard's chest and slipped them into his hair. He tugged and twisted strands as Gerard kept pressing his fingers into Frank's ass.

Frank began to move his body more, lifting his arms above his head as he swayed his hips and ran his hands up and down his torso.

Gerard grabbed hold of Frank's sides and began to roll his hips into Frank's. Their foreheads rested on each other's as they grind their hips into each other with their hands touching everywhere. Frank let out a little whiny moan and smashed his lips onto Gerard's not being able to sustain the teasing much longer. As they continued to grind their hips, Frank pulled him impossibly closer and stretched his tongue into Gerard's mouth. Gerard licked and sucked it without a single complaint.

They pulled their lips apart, hot and sweaty as they continued to dance passionately. Frank rested his head on Gerard's shoulder as Gerard placed his hands on the younger's back. They soundlessly swayed as Etta James played.

Once the song had ended Frank grabbed hold of Gerard's hand and attempted to drag him into his dressing room. But Gerard let go too soon.

Instead, he turned around and casually walked onto the stage and made his way to the piano stool. He stretched his fingers and softly caressed the top of the keys.

As Mikey walked towards Gerard to tell him off, Gerard began to play. His fingers danced along the keys, and his eyes had flickered shut.

Frank crossed his arms and stood back in confusion.

Gerard leaned over to the microphone and opened his mouth allowing the first words to fall from his lips.

"Round, like a circle in a spiral
  Like a wheel within a wheel
  Never ending or beginning
  On an ever spinning reel... "

Frank, confused by the sudden change of character sat back in awe as Gerard's hands developed an affair with the piano. His eyes tightened and his eyebrows scrunched up as he fell deeper into "The Windmill of His Mind"

"...like a snowball down a mountain
or a carnival balloon
Like a carousel that's turning
running rings around the moon
Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
past the minutes of its face
And the world is like an apple
whirling silently in space..."

Gerard continued to play as he turned his head to face the bewildered and amazed Frank Iero who shook his head and laughed at his new found love for his doctor. Frank wasn't thinking rationally, but when did he ever. He fell down a rabbit hole never to be sought out again. The only difference between him and little old Alice in Wonderland is that he knows there is no chance of him climbing out of this doomed hole ever again.

Gerard smiled back at Frank,
"Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind..."

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