The Elevator

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I walk into the building and across the lobby.
It's mostly empty.
I push the up button on the elevator.
I stand and wait while watching the numbers count down to 1.

The golden doors open.
I step in and they shut loudly behind me.
I sigh and push the button labeled 12.
The elevator is empty.
It starts climbing up the shaft at a quick pace.

The elevator seems to be getting smaller.
Closing in.
I know it's not physically.
But it seems tag way in my head.
I listen to the soft whir of it start to stress.
It grows louder and I start to panic.
My grip tightens on the bar.

There's a roaring sound, and it stops.

I look up at the number.

I'm only at floor 10.
I'm stuck.
I press the red emergency button.
Then the open door button.
I'm greeted by a brick wall.
The lights flicker.
My breath quickens.

The lights stay on.

I push the emergency button again and hear nothing.
I look around for an exit.
The only possible one is open to a wall.
The sides are closing in.
I can't breathe.
The lights flicker.
I back against a corner of the elevator.

The lights go out.

I scream and crouch into the fetal position.
I put my face in my knees.
Tears fall down my face.
I hyperventilate.
I can't breathe.
The lights flicker once and stay off.
I leave my phone in my bag, terrified of what I might see if I use it for light.

It stays silent.

The only audible sound is my own choked out sobs and shallow breaths.
The walls are closing in.
The darkness is enveloping me.
I can't see.
Can't hear.

Can't breathe.

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