The windows were foggy and the air was crisp as Scott and Mitch climbed into the taxi. The weather was surprisingly cold for Texas and the gloomy sky threatened that snow was coming, but inside the taxi the Scott and Mitch stayed warm by cuddling. They were on their way back to their childhood homes to spend the holidays with their families and they couldn't be more excited. This year seemed like a whirlwind, it had been amazing but they would definitely enjoy the company of their families and a nice relaxing break. One of the many crazy things that had happened to them that year was that Scott and Mitch had finally fessed up about their feelings for one another and began to date. They have kept their relationship secret up until now but they decided that over break would be a good time to tell their families about it. The sound of wheels on gravel sounded and the taxi pulled to a stop I front of Mitch's house. "I'll see you in a while babe" Mitch leaned in for a quick kiss, payed the driver, and along with his luggage he headed for the door. He rung the doorbell and the door quickly flew open and he was tackled in a huge hug from his father. "How are you Mitch? Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you! Come on it." After greeting his mother he went up to his room to put away his bags.
~time skip~
The Grassi family had gone over to the Hoying household for dinner and spirits were running high. There is something so very infectious about the holiday season and everybody was having a great time being together again. It was after dinner and they were gathered in the living room catching up with each other. "So..." Scott began looking at Mitch through the corner of his eye. Mitch gave a quick nod and Scott continued. "Just so you guys know...Mitch and I are, well...we're dating. I hope that's okay." The words spilled quickly out of his mouth and he looked around the room to see their reactions. Mitch scooted closer and joined their hands. "That's amazing! I always knew you would end up together!" Connie exclaimed giving them both a hug. "That's great news! I know I can trust you to keep my son safe." Mike said with a smile. "We appreciate you all being so supportive...I love Scott and I am very blessed that through our love we have such an amazing family." Mitch said laying his head on Scott's shoulder. It felt like something out of a fairytale, to good to be true. Here they all were, gathered together and Scott knew he had found the love of his life. He leaned in and kissed Mitch's head softly.
"I love you baby"
"I love you too"
A/N: sorry if this isn't very good...I rushed it because I wanted it out before Christmas which is tomorrow so I wrote it in about 15 minutes...sorry if it's no good! I also just updated my other story "yes...and?" (Which you should totally go check out) thanks for reading! I love you all! Happy holidays 😍

Scomiche oneshots (X_O)
Novela Juvenila collection on short stories about the cutest queens ever. ***may contain trigger warnings or mpreg***