chapter 5

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"Come." he spoke harshly. After 3 days of being entrapped in this gloomy room, only being given water and occasionally some bread, which I never ate since my stubborness told me not too.

I didn't know how to react. All I'd been doing for 3 days is crying my eyes out and missing my family, and he has no sympathy or remorse.

I slowly got up off of the mattress that I had been occupying. I didn't say anything just walked with my head down and looked at the hard wood floors beneath me.

I was scared. That's all there is too it. I couldn't deny the fear that sat deep in my stomach and the tears I so badly needed to let go of. And he knew. He smirked, knowing he had broken me in.
Bur suddenly I remembered. The plan.

The three days I spent trapped in the room gave me so much time, and all I could do was think. I pondered my options. Do I still try to escape or do I accept the life that had been dealt to me? And then it came to me. A plan of escape, that seemed like it just might work. Only time would tell of course but now it was my turn to grin, only I would have to keep it to myself.

Harry brought me to the room I had first woken up in and say me down on the bed, standing in front of me. My entire life I had been shy, and no exceptions to now. I never knew how to be normal in front of people, I was undeniably awkward.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" he asked tapping his foot against the cold floor.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, from shyness and from not speaking in days.

He got down on his knees so his head would be level with mine as I sat on the bed. "See what happens when you disobey me? That was nothing compared to what I can do so I suggest you get yourself together. Understood?"

All I could do was nod. I was speechless. In all honestly, I expected him to apologize to me. To say his anger got out of control, like any normal person would do. But then I realized he isn't normal. He kidnapped me and normal people don't do that.

"Let's go eat some breakfast and then you can take a shower," he informed me, grabbing my hand and leading me down a flight of stairs to what seems like the dining room of the house.

To the left of me was a living room, and in it sat 2 boys on their phones. I looked at Harry giving him a questioning look and nodding my head towards the boys.

"Ah that's Liam and Louis. My two other mates live here with us as well and you'll meet them soon. You must treat them all with respect." he instructed me and again I simply nodded, not wanting to speak.

Harry walked into the kitchen and I just looked down at my hands and waited for him to return.

"What's your name?" asked the man with bright blue eyes and a sweet face. Him and the other man who was very muscular sat across from me at the table, probably wanting to ask me a bunch of questions.

"Julia," I said barely above a whisper, still looking down, wishing I wasn't so goddamn shy. I wish I could be confident and fierce.

"I'm Louis, and this is Liam," he said.

I don't know what came over me, but tears just spilled out of my eyes. I couldn't help it, I just started to sob into my hands. Maybe it was the realization of the situation, or missing the family I thought I never would miss.

"What the fuck did you do now?" asked Harry, carrying a bowl of cereal and some juice into the room. He seemed annoyed.

"Nothing mate, honest, she just started crying for no reason," said Liam, as if I didn't have a reason to cry.

"Julia, stop and just drink this." said Harry, pushing a glass of juice in front of me. If I wasn't so thirsty, I would've ignored it but I had barely drinker anything in days so I gulped down the juice in thick sips.

The sound of the doorbell echoing through the house suprised all four of us, and instantly I shot up and raced to the door, feeling lightheaded as I stood up too quick.

Before I could twist the knob, Liam pulled me back and put his hand over my mouth to mask my cries. And what happened next freaked me out most of all.

My dad.

Harry opened the door and it was my father. I wanted to jump right into his arms and feel safe again, but all too quickly my vision blurred and all I saw was black.


Yooooo, so I am so so so so sorry for not updating in a while, but I didn't think anyone cared much so ¯\_()_/¯

How did Julia's dad find her?

Please PLEASE vote, comment and let me know what you think!! Also please check out my other story tattoo shop I'm working super hard on it and I hope you guys like it! Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it as well! Love you guys❤️

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