chapter 6// confusion

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Timing was everything, and I was so glad I put something in Julia's drink otherwise she would've ran right out the door.

Niall and Zayn walked in, giving me a questioning look. "Got your girl under control mate?" Zayn asked and Niall went into a fit of laughter, only stopping once I punched him in the arm.

"Shut up. I have her under control, she's just scared." I said with anger pumping through my veins.

I knew that I had to show her who's boss around here, and I knew that it wouldn't be fun for either of us, but it had to be done.

I took her out of Liam's arms and threw her over my shoulder, carrying her back up to her room. Placing her down on the mattress, I put a blanket over her, and let her sleep because when she woke up she would feel my fury.


I woke up confused on how I ended back in this room, but all too soon I remembered my dad and then blacking out. Is my dad still here? Did he get hurt trying to save me?

I shot out of bed and started banging on the door, screaming "Dad!"

When the door was swung open, I was knocked back in the process. Harry looked furious and if looks could kill, I'd be out of my misery.

"Where's my dad? What did you do to him?!" I screamed at Harry, punching him in the leg.

He whipped me up of the floor, holding me in his arms, my legs dangling." What are you talking about? It was Niall and Zayn at the door!" He yelled right back at me.

"What?" I asked, sincerely disappointed that my father, was in fact, not here and nobody was going to save me." B-but.."

"I put something in your drink to make you calm down, you just had a hallucination or something." He explained in an annoyed tone.

"What?! Why the f.ück did you drug me?!" I screamed at him in pure anger.

"Because you're like this! Calm the f.ück down Julia. I'm this close to bending you over my lap. Control yourself or I will." He yelled at me, making me cower away from him.

I watched as his rubbed his temples in stress. Immediately I felt bad because I seemed to be the cause of it, then I remembered that he kidnapped me and I shouldn't feel sorry at all. For now though, I should start acting good so my plan can easily fall into place.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, for reasons I would never know.

"I forgive you. Now I'll go grab you some clothes. Don't move, I mean it." He warned.

I decided to turn on the television in front of me, not wanting to let my thoughts get the best of me in the silence.

Instantly, the screen lit up and I saw the news channel was already playing. My heart dropped at the story they were currently explaining. Mine. A picture of me from the summer flashed before me, a smile plastered on my face. Back when I was happy.

"Teenager Julianna Adler went missing sometime last week. Reports say her parents went out of town on business and when they returned, Julia, as she was called, was nowhere to be found. Police aren't sure exactly when Julianna vanished, but they're looking into all suspects including her two parents Michael and Lidia Adler" The news reporter spoke. "If you have any information on the whereabouts of Julianna Adler, please call 911 immediately. Back to you Amy." He finished.

"No!" I screamed at the television. They can't be blaming my parents for this! The screen went black in a matter of seconds, and I looked over to see Harry with the remote in his hand.

"Harry they think my parents had something to do with this!" I yelled in fury.

He walked over and pulled me in for a hug, to which I shockingly accepted. I let all my guards down for a moment, and cried into his chest. I had to get it out.

"Shhh baby it's okay. Everything is going to be okay." He cooed only making me cry harder.

I knew that I had to escape, and it had to be quicker than planned. But did I want to leave?

I mean Harry was giving me love and affection and everything my parents neglected me of. Was he really so bad?

Yes! my thoughts interrupted me. He kidnapped you, he's a horrible person!

But was he actually?

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