chapter 7// deals

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I had made a surprising decision overnight. But there was one thing I had to do first, before I could follow through with my new plan, and there was only one person who could help me.

"Harry?" I approached him in his office. He had let me wander the house for the past few days, because of my good behavior, but every door and window was locked and set with an alarm of course.

"What's up love?" He asked, picking his head up to look at me. I shut the door behind me and sat down at one of the chairs in front of a desk. The scene was similar to that of a principals office, and I probably had the same nervousness that came with that as well.

"I have a deal." I announced. It was odd to have a normal conversation with him. Most times I just ignored him, but I was approaching him for a change.

"Go on." He pushed further.

"I've decided that, I'm going to give this a try." I admitted, nervous for his reaction to the rest of the deal.

"This as in?" He questioned about the vague word.

"Us. You and me. I can tell you care about me, and I'm guessing I won't get out of here any time soon, so why not?"I tried my best to sound happy, but this was not for my benefit at all. What other choice did I have though?

"Perfect. I'm so happy." He said with pure joy lit up in his eyes. I wish I felt the same as he did right now.

"Under one condition." I said.

"What is it?"

"You let me call my family."

"No way in h.ëll." He shook his head.

"I just want to say goodbye Harry. Please." I begged him.

"How do I know you're not going to give them any information that could give me away?" He questioned.

"You can put it on speakerphone I don't care. I just want to have closure please Harry." I pressed.

He sighed. "Alright fine, five minutes tops. And it's going to be on speakerphone. I'm trusting you Julia. Don't f.üçk up this chance." He warned in a firm tone. I just nodded and he took out a phone from a drawer in his desk.

"Can't use my phone, they could track it." He explained. He handed the cheap phone to me and I typed in my mothers cell phone number.

I tried to think of words to say, but my mind went blank. What do you say to someone who you'll probably never see again?

The repetitive ringing stopped after a couple seconds, only to be met with voicemail. A tear I didn't know that I was holding dropped down my cheek.

I handed back the phone and slumped down in the leather chair. I should surprised, but I'm not. The work addict was probably busy with something as always. My heart was truly broken. All I wanted was a goodbye. Some closure, that's all I wanted to move on.

"I'm sorry love." Harry said pitifully.

Without warning, the disposable phone started to ring. And the number that popped up on the plastic screen was my mothers. He gave the phone to me and I answered without a second thought.

"Lidia Adler, sorry I missed your call. Can I ask who's calling?" She greeted, in her fake happy work tone.

"Mom it's me."

"Jules?! Where are you honey, we've been worried sick?" She asked using the nickname from when I was younger.

"I don't have much time to explain. Just let me talk." I started. My throat was already starting to form a lump.

"All I can say is that I've been kidnapped by a man and he's not going to let me go."

"Who is he Julia? Tell me I can save you baby?" She frantically asked. It was so surprising to see her showing so much emotion towards me. Maybe this will show her what's more important than work.

Harry looked at me with warning eyes.
"I can't say mom. He's letting me say goodbye to you, just listen to what I have to say." I said. I could hear her sobbing over the phone, her ragged breathing echoing through the room. The last time I had heard my mother cry, was probably my birth.

"I'm sorry. For being so difficult sometimes. If I could take back every bad thing I said or did, I would. I wish things could've been like they used too. Before you and dad got consumed with work." I said and began to sob.

"I-I love you and dad so much, but I'm stuck here. Just know that I'll always love and miss you guys." I cry to her. I never imagined I'd miss them, but circumstances are different now.

"D-don't give up my sweet baby. I'm sorry too. For letting my priorities get mixed up. I regret every moment I didn't spend with you now." She admitted, which only broke my heart further. At least this taught her a good lesson.

Harry tapped his wrist with his finger, indicating that my time had run out. I prepared myself to say a final goodbye.

"Goodbye mom. Don't forget me." I finished, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"I never will honey. Goodb-bye." She choked mid cry, and with that Harry took the phone and hung up.

He walked over to me and engulfed me in his arms, and I accepted, breaking down in cries. I just needed love, whether or not my feelings were reciprocal.

"It's alright baby. I'm here for you." He comforted, rubbing my back to soothe me. But I doubted his words.

He picked up my weak body, and I clung to him in my vulnerable state. We passed the other boys on our way upstairs and they gave me a questioning look, probably surprised since it was  the first time I had welcomed Harry's affection.

He carried me to my bedroom and laid me down, making me instantly settle into the soft blankets.

"I have a few work items to finish up, I'll check on you when I'm done. Rest my love." He said, rubbing my cheek ever so softly with his fingertips, which made my eyes flutter. He walked out the room and I heard him lock the door.

Of course he had to work. Had I made a good decision? Or did I trade one sorrow, for another, identical to it?

Regret bubbled in my stomach, and I shut my eyes. I can escape this horrible excuse of a life for a sweet dream. As I closed my eyes, all I could think about was where everything went wrong. How one mistake of not locking a door could so drastically impact everything.


Do you think I should delete this story or keep going? I don't know if anyone is liking it.

Please vote and comment! It encourages me to write a lot! Thank you(:

QOTC- what's your favorite 1D song?

Mine is probably change your ticket, night changes, or Olivia!

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