chapter #1 Intro

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Assalam o Aliakum :)

How are you all :) Here I am again with a short story :)

Its a short story about non other than our super star the "Hussain Asif". So let me give a short intro about this story. As you know its a short story. So here you go.

Hussain Asif a mature guy of age 35. Still single because he loves to stay single. Its not that he is alergic to get marry. Its just he can't find her girl yet. Hoor a young girl of age 23. She is a doctor. She is that nerd kind of girl. She has only concern to her study and family. Her first priority is only her parents. She don't want to marry

But destiny decides what is in your fate. So let's find out how they will meet.

"His Hoor" (Hussain Asif's Fanfic)✔️Where stories live. Discover now