"Challenge Accepted"

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Assalam o Aliakum!

So guys challenge accepted.
Which challenge? I know you guys are confused. Let me explain...
A fews days ago some one of you challenged me to update twice a day and some one said to update other stories too.
So I am accepting your dare and fasten your seat belts for back to back updates.
I know its a bit late but being a student I have some responsibilities related to study and my final project just sucks.
Being the only daughter of my parents I have some responsibilities related to house choers. So I hope you guys get it.

Thank you :)
You guys are so understanding :)
Am I making you guys happy or not? I think I am doing so.
Updates are on way. All you guys need to do is to vote and make me happy by doing lots of comments so I might be able to update all the dared updates soon ;)

Just wait and watch my jaanies...


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